Monday, December 19, 2011

Canadiens fire coach Jacques Martin

FILE - In this Dec. 8, 2011 photo, Montreal Canadiens head coach Jacques Martin reacts during the third period of an NHL hockey game against the Vancouver Canucks, in Montreal. Martin has been fired as coach of the last-place Montreal Canadiens. The team said Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011 that assistant Randy Cunneyworth will be the interim head coach for the rest of the season. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Graham Hughes)

FILE - In this Dec. 8, 2011 photo, Montreal Canadiens head coach Jacques Martin reacts during the third period of an NHL hockey game against the Vancouver Canucks, in Montreal. Martin has been fired as coach of the last-place Montreal Canadiens. The team said Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011 that assistant Randy Cunneyworth will be the interim head coach for the rest of the season. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Graham Hughes)

(AP) ? Jacques Martin was fired as coach of the Montreal Canadiens on Saturday, with the storied team undone by sloppy play and in last place in its division.

Assistant Randy Cunneyworth was appointed interim head coach for the rest of the season. Larry Carriere, the assistant general manager, was made an assistant coach.

"The primary reason is the team wasn't performing as well as it should be in our minds," general manager Pierre Gauthier said at a Bell Centre news conference.

The Canadiens (13-12-7) are at the bottom of the Northeast Division. However, they are just two points out of second place in a division led by Boston.

Martin was in his third season with Montreal and 17th in the NHL. He reached his 600th NHL career victory last April making him the ninth winningest coach in league history.

Martin is known for team play and careful defensive hockey, but there were many mistakes this season. The Canadiens are 5-6-6 at home, often blowing third-period leads.

"Especially in the last few weeks, we didn't really know what was coming out of the box every night," Gauthier said. "And the way we were losing the leads and the way we were coaching the games wasn't very consistent, and that's what we hope to change."

There were hints of tension between Martin and Gauthier. After a poor start, Martin's closest ally, assistant Perry Pearn, was fired just before a game Oct. 26.

"We were on the same wavelength right to the end, but that doesn't mean that the team's performances were acceptable," Gauthier said.

The players were told of the coaching change when they arrived at the Bell Centre for their morning skate before their game against New Jersey.

"When we are where we are and expect to be a better team than we've been, you definitely are aware there might be changes," forward Michael Cammalleri said. "For it to be Jacques was somewhat surprising."

"We're in 11th place, that's what went wrong," he added. "I think Jacques was still trying to work on thing and improve the team. I don't think there was anyone not listening to him."

In Cunneyworth, the Canadiens get a younger, more tech-savvy coach, although one who is not expected to make major changes.

"I would hope that my coaching style was similar to the way I played," said Cunneyworth, who was Ottawa's captain under Martin in the late 1990s. "I felt for the most part that I competed very hard."

Cunneyworth was promoted to the NHL club along with assistant Randy Ladouceur after coaching their AHL farm team in Hamilton last season.

"What system is in place doesn't matter if everyone buys in and plays the right way," defenseman Josh Gorges said. "If you only have half the guys doing what's asked of them, everything is in disarray and I think that's where we got to."

"We weren't playing together and doing the things we need to do to win," he added. "And consequently we lost games we shouldn't have lost and changes needed to be made."

Added defenseman Hal Gill: "The bottom line is winning games ? we weren't winning and changes happen. I don't think it was about losing the room or anything like that."

Martin joined the Canadiens in 2009-10 and took them on an improbable run to the Eastern Conference finals where they lost to Philadelphia. Montreal made the playoffs the following year but was eliminated in the first round.

Before joining the Canadiens, the 59-year-old Martin spent five seasons coaching the Florida Panthers and before that nine seasons coaching the Senators, where he left as the career leader in regular-season wins, playoff wins and games. Martin led the Senators to its first President's Trophy in the 2002-03 season.

He also won the NHL coach of the year in 1998-99 and was part of Canada's gold-medal triumph at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.

Associated Press


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Does defense bill's anti-terror provision deprive Americans of key rights? (The Christian Science Monitor)

The US Senate on Thursday approved a controversial measure that affirms broad authority for the nation?s military to indefinitely detain suspected Al Qaeda members and associates captured in the United States.

The measure, a rider to the $662 billion Defense Authorization Act of 2012, was initially opposed by the Obama administration. It sparked sharp debate over whether the provision would allow detention without charge of US citizens seized on American soil.

Supporters downplayed the potential threat to civil liberties and offered compromise language to minimize the impact on US-based citizens. But critics denounced the measure as an ill-conceived expansion of executive and military power at the expense of due process rights.

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The House of Representatives endorsed an amended version of the bill Wednesday 283 to 136, and President Obama has withdrawn a veto threat. The Senate vote was 86 to 13.

Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona, a co-sponsor, said in a floor speech that the measure was designed to address an inconsistency in Obama administration counterterrorism policy.

While Mr. Obama in September approved the killing of a US citizen in Yemen suspected of helping Al Qaeda, the administration has declined to authorize the open-ended military detention of Al Qaeda suspects captured in the US, Senator McCain said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) of South Carolina agreed. ?If you believe you can kill an American citizen who had joined Al Qaeda, why can?t you capture and hold him,? Senator Graham asked.

???You can kill them, capture them overseas, but when they get here we have to treat them as a common criminal,??

McCain and Graham were referring to Anwar Al-Awlaki, the US-born Muslim cleric who was killed in a US drone missile attack Sept. 30.

Several senators contrasted the military option in Mr. Awlaki?s case with the handling of the so-called underwear bomber, who tried to blow up a jetliner over Detroit in Dec. 2009.

Nigerian citizen Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was taken into the custody of the criminal justice system and given Miranda warnings that he had a right to a lawyer and a right to remain silent. Some senators suggested he should have been taken into military custody and subjected to aggressive interrogation without any warnings.

The counterterrorism rider requires the Obama administration to place in indefinite military custody Al Qaeda suspects involved in planning or carrying out an attack on US interests. It is designed to facilitate tough interrogations by military officials unconstrained by constitutional safeguards that apply to US law enforcement officials.

The bill exempts US citizens from the mandatory detention provision, but it does not exempt them from a broader authorization allowing the military to capture and hold anyone outside the US who is deemed to have supported Al Qaeda or associated forces.

The counterterrorism rider was softened during negotiations by adding a guarantee that it would not ?affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens.?

IN PICTURES: American Jihadis

Existing law on that subject is unclear. The US Supreme Court in 2004 upheld the indefinite detention of a US citizen captured on a foreign battlefield, but the high court has not ruled decisively on the legality of military detention without charge of a citizen captured within US borders or apprehended overseas beyond a battlefield.

Critics say military detention without trial violates fundamental principles of the US Constitution, including that the government must provide due process of law before depriving a citizen of liberty or property.

The new legislation is part of a long-running campaign by members of Congress to force the Obama administration to place a higher priority on the use of military options in the struggle against Al Qaeda and other suspected terrorists.

Administration officials had favored the use of the criminal justice system and federal courts over military detention and trials by military commission. But the administration?s apparent preference for civilian law enforcement ? with full constitutional protections ? prompted lawmakers to push back.

?What we are trying to do here is create policy that is as flexible as possible and that understands the difference between fighting a war and fighting crime,? Graham said during debate on the Senate floor last week. ?We are fighting a war here.?

Obama threatened to veto the measure. But the White House withdrew that threat after lawmakers softened the provisions by allowing the executive branch to write its own regulations to implement military detentions, and by providing the president with broad discretion to waive the detention provision whenever he deems it is necessary to protect national security.

Top 5 attacks linked to Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki

Among major provisions, the new law:

? Affirms broad authority for the military to indefinitely detain without trial any person believed by US government officials to have ?substantially supported? Al Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces.

? Requires military detention for suspected foreign Al Qaeda operatives who government officials believe were involved in planning or carrying out an attack against the US.

? Requires the executive branch to establish procedures to conduct periodic status reviews of terror suspects held in open-ended military detention.

? Prohibits the use of funds to build or modify facilities in the US to house detainees transferred from the detention facilities at the US Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

? Prohibits the use of funds to transfer Guantanamo detainees to the US for any reason, including for continued detention, trial in federal court, or release.

Civil rights and human rights advocates have criticized the bill as an embrace of police state tactics and as a retreat from the rule of law.

They complain that reliance on the military is unnecessary. In the past decade, more than 400 individuals have been prosecuted in US courts for terrorism-related offenses, while the military commission process had adjudicated six cases, critics say.

?The last time Congress passed indefinite detention legislation was during the McCarthy era and President Truman had the courage to veto that bill,? said Laura Murphy, director of the ACLU Washington legislative office, in a statement.

Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, urged the White House to reverse its apparent decision to sign the counterterrorism rider into law. ?By signing this defense spending bill, President Obama will go down in history as the president who enshrined indefinite detention without trial in US law,? he said.

Sen. Carl Levin (D) of Michigan, chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a co-sponsor of the bill, said it does not establish any broad, new powers.

?Those who say we have written into law a new authority are wrong,? he said.

Senator Levin said the ability to hold citizens without charge already exists under the law of war. An American citizen who joins a hostile force like Al Qaeda can be captured and detained indefinitely as an enemy combatant, he said.

Sen. Mark Udall (D) of Colorado said the difficulty with the military detention law is deciding who is enough of an enemy combatant to justify being locked up without charge potentially for the rest of his or her life.

?How do we go about determining who these individuals are,? Senator Udall asked. ?The Constitution requires us to provide our citizens with due process before they are incarcerated, and especially before they are indefinitely incarcerated.?

Despite the compromise language in the rider, Graham insisted that there is ?nothing that prevents us from holding one of our own for joining the enemy.?

He added: ?I believe in due process. No one is going to prison without a federal judge?s oversight. No one stays in prison without a federal review.?

Staff writer Gloria Goodale contributed to this report.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Zynga?s CastleVille Crosses 5M Daily Active Users, Now Growing Faster Than CityVille

castleZynga's newest game, CastleVille, has crossed five million daily active users. To put this in perspective, the social gaming giant's fastest growing (and most popular) game CityVille, only reached 3.2 million daily active users six days after its launch. The newest title from the social gaming giant allows players to build mini-empires from castles, craft art and armour and trade, and defend your kingdom in a medieval world. The game was created by the Zynga Dallas team, which was part of the social gaming giant's acquisition of Bonfire Studios.


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monti can't yet say if Italy needs more measures (AP)

ROME ? Italy's Premier-designate Mario Monti said Monday it is "premature" to say if the country will require more tough measures to rescue its finances and revive its economy, as he sought enough backing from political parties to form a government.

Two days after Silvio Berlusconi resigned as premier, and with investors still nervous about Italy's credibility, Monti spent Monday consulting with political parties, then said he can't say when he would have a Cabinet lined up.

Pressured by financial markets, Italy's Parliament last week gave final approval after weeks of political squabbling over emergency measures aimed at cutting spending and spurring economic growth, but it is unclear if that action is enough with Italy's debt costs shooting upward.

Asked if Italy would need a "corrective" package of measures, Monti replied: "I appreciate the question, but it would be premature on my part to reply."

A few party leaders ? including ones in Berlusconi's party ? have been demanding the nonpartisan Monti only last long enough to implement economic reforms, then step down so elections can be called this spring, a year ahead of schedule.

But Monti, a 68-year-old economics professor, made clear that he intends to serve until spring 2013 elections, calling it counterproductive to say when he'd step down.

"If a date before (2013) is set, this haste would take away credibility from the government's actions," Monti said at his brief news conference. "I won't accept" such a condition, he said.

Investors initially cheered Monti's appointment, though concern lingered about the sheer amount of work his new government will have to do to restore faith in the country's battered economy and finances.

In New York, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 109 points, or 0.9 percent, to 12,044, on Monday, with bank stocks sinking the most. European markets also fell and the euro weakened against the dollar.

Italy's government raised $4.1 billion in a sale of five-year bonds on Monday, but the 6.29 percent interest rate was the highest since 1997. Italy paid a much lower rate of 5.32 percent at a similar auction last month. The increase is a sign that banks and other bond buyers remain concerned about Italy's ability to pay its debts.

Italy will need those borrowing rates to come down in the coming months to avoid a big increase in its interest costs ? some euro200 billion ($273 billion) in public debt comes due through the end of April.

Tuesday is shaping up as a crucial day for Monti to decide if he can count on Parliament's support. He is to meet in the morning with Italy's two largest parties in the legislature ? those of Berlusconi's conservatives and a center-left party made up of former communists and ex-Christian Democrats. Their votes would be crucial in a confidence vote, likely to come later this week, which would seal the start of Monti's government.

In an indication of just how deeply split the ranks of Berlusconi's conservatives are, one of its most prominent leaders, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, used a state TV interview to urge his party to rally behind Monti "with conviction and force" because "we can't run the risk that this government won't succeed."

Monti ? an economist ? was asked by Italy's president on Sunday night to create a government of experts capable of overhauling an ailing economy and keeping market fears over the country from threatening the existence of the euro.

But besides the clamor from some parties for elections soon, some have been insisting that political figures are given roles in his Cabinet. That could undo the "technocratic" character many analysts expected he would bring to his government.

Monti told reporters he would take the time needed to line up a strong team, and said he hopes the markets will "temper their impatience" by his need to choose well.

Monti's government would need to implement economic reforms aimed at reviving stagnant growth to bring down public debt, stuck near 120 percent of GDP.

Some parties were looking to extract concessions in exchange for support to Monti's government. That risks slowing the process of forming a government, after days in which Italy's political machinery ? under pressure from markets ? had moved with rare efficiency. Both houses passed fresh austerity and reform measures within two days, paving the way for Berlusconi's resignation.

Improving market confidence in Italy is crucial to the future of the eurozone as the country would be too expensive to rescue. A default on its euro1.9 trillion ($2.6 trillion) in debt would cause massive chaos in financial markets and shake the global economy.

The pressure for Italy to reform its economy is huge as it has become clear that the European Central Bank is not shielding it from the bond market turmoil.

The central bank almost halved its purchases of government bonds last week to euro4.5 billion ($6.2 billion), effectively allowing investors to run Italy's bond yields higher. The purchases are aimed at keeping a lid on borrowing rates for Italy and other eurozone countries so they won't get frozen out of financial markets, as has happened to Greece.

But the ECB is reluctant to protect governments from the market pressure, saying it is up to governments to convince investors of their economies' worth.

That pressure no doubt helped accelerate the power shift in Rome, as it did in Greece, where a new government of technocrats also took over last week. The hope is that administrations of experts not affiliated to parties will be more willing to make the tough but necessary decisions that politicians have so far balked at.

But the fact that it will take time to shape up the battered economies of Italy and Greece kept investors on edge.

Analysts say Berlusconi's exit from the premier's office ? although he still serves in Parliament ? and Monti's new government will only be the start of a long process of change in Italy.

"It will take years of unprecedentedly tight fiscal policy to get the public finances on a stable footing," said Ben May, economist at Capital Economics.


Barry reported from Milan. Victor L. Simpson contributed from Rome.


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Monday, October 24, 2011

Panetta criticizes North Korea for 'reckless' acts (AP)

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan ? U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Monday lashed out at North Korea for "reckless and provocative" acts and criticized China for a secretive expansion of its military power.

Panetta, who arrived at this U.S. air base on the second leg of a weeklong Asia tour, spoke out about North Korea and China in an opinion piece published Monday by Japan's Yomiuri newspaper before his arrival.

He wrote that Washington and Tokyo share common challenges in the Asia-Pacific. "These include North Korea, which continues to engage in reckless and provocative behavior and is developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, which pose a threat not just to Japan but to the entire region," he wrote.

If any changes are made to U.S. forces in the Pacific, he said, it would be to "strengthen" their presence.

"We are not anticipating any cutbacks in this region," he told several dozen U.S. and Japanese troops standing in front of huge side-by-side American and Japanese flags. "If anything, we're going to strengthen our presence in the Pacific ? and we will."

He offered no examples of such moves. The U.S. now has about 47,000 troops in Japan and about 28,000 in South Korea ? remnants of World War II and the Korean War. Panetta's strong language comes as U.S. and North Korean officials gather in Geneva for talks that Washington says are aimed at determining whether Pyongyang is serious about returning to nuclear disarmament talks.

Japan also worries about North Korea and is one of five countries that have jointly tried to persuade the North Koreans to cap and reverse their nuclear arms program. The other four are the U.S., China, Russia and South Korea.

Panetta also criticized China.

"China is rapidly modernizing its military," he wrote in Monday's opinion piece, "but with a troubling lack of transparency, coupled with increasingly assertive activity in the East and South China Seas."

He wrote that Japan and the U.S. would work together to "encourage China to play a responsible role in the international community."

A day earlier, in Bali, Indonesia, Panetta offered more positive remarks about China. He told reporters that Beijing deserved praise for a relatively mild response to a $5.8 billion US arms sale to Taiwan announced in September.

Panetta is not visiting China on this trip, his first to Asia since becoming Pentagon chief in July.


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Rampture Postponed: Los Angeles Can Breathe A Sigh Of Relief

Turns out that the "rampture" isn't so near after all.

Just weeks before the 90-day closure of the Wilshire Boulevard ramps on the 405 freeway, Los Angeles Metro announced Friday that the so-called "rampture" has been postponed until early 2012.

According to Metro, construction crews are still addressing some utility work on Sepulveda and Wilshire Boulevard that needs to be completed before the freeway ramps are reconstructed.

The Wilshire Boulevard ramps project is the second phase of the plan to add more high-occupancy-vehicle lanes to the 405 freeway. But besides just widening the highway, the improvements will also make the ramps safer by streamlining traffic flow on the interchanges, as well as update them to comply with the latest seismic standards.

It follows July's "Carmageddon," when a large section of the 405 freeway was completely closed down for more than two days. It passed without incident, as Angelenos chose to take some time off from the roads and stick closer to home that weekend.

Of course, it's going to be harder for Westside-bound commuters (including thousands of UCLA students) to exercise the same restraint for 90 days straight, which is why the "rampture" postponement is a relief -- but a short-lived one.

Image by Los Angeles Metro via county supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Google Android Market Launches UK Movie Rentals

October 21st, 2011 by: Shane McGlaun

Here in the U.S., Android fans may already be taking the ability to rent flicks from the Android Market for granted. It?s a slick little system Google has in place that lets you watch from multiple devices over a set period of time.

Android Movie Rental

Some geeks in Europe wanted the ability to stream movies so badly they resorted to hacks. Thankfully, you no longer have to use a hack to stream from the Android Market in the U.K. Google has announced today that the Google Video app is now working in the region. Android users can now get access to 1,000 different movies with rentals starting at ?2.49.

The thing I like about the Android Market for rentals is that you can buy the flick and you have 30 days to watch it. That way you don?t rack up late fees if you forget about it or don?t have time to watch. Once you start to watch the movie, you have 48 hours to complete the movie. You can also watch the same movie on any device that can access the Android Market including computers, tablets, and smartphones.

[via Telegraph]


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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Russia parliament adopts law restricting abortions

MOSCOW (AP) ? Russia's parliament adopted a law Friday limiting abortions but rejected even tougher restrictions backed by the country's conservative Orthodox Church.

Health officials say Russia's abortion rates are among the world's highest, contributing to a fertility rate of only 1.4 children per woman ? far below the 2.1 needed to maintain the existing population. The country's birth rate has become a serious concern for Russia as it fights to stem a steep population decline.

The Health Ministry says more than a million pregnancies are terminated in Russia annually, although abortion critics say the statistics don't include private clinics and the real number amounts to six million a year.

The law passed Friday limits abortions to 12 weeks of pregnancy, except for women who say they can't afford a child, who may have an abortion up to 22 weeks. The law also stipulates a mandatory waiting period of two to seven days before the procedure to allow a woman to reconsider her decision.

The law does not include restrictions proposed by the Russian Orthodox Church, such as a requiring a husband's consent for married women, parents' consent for teenage girls or for a doctor's right to refuse an abortion.

During the Soviet era, abortion laws were liberal and unrestricted abortions became virtually the only effective method of family planning, as condoms were unreliable and seldom used.

The abortion debate in Russia has not become as divisive and heated as the abortion debate in the United States, but the effort to restrict them has strong backing from the Russian Orthodox Church, which has sought a more muscular role in society.

Russia's population, now at 143 million, has shrunk by 5.7 million since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, a plunge blamed on rampant alcoholism, bad diets and lack of exercise.

Associated Press


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Hospital heart attack death rates improving but very elderly still missing out

ScienceDaily (Oct. 20, 2011) ? Despite substantial reductions in the hospital death rates for heart attack patients, there are still worrying inequalities in heart attack management for the elderly, a new study has shown.

The research, carried out by the University of Leeds and funded by the British Heart Foundation, showed that the risk of a heart patient dying in hospital almost halved across all age groups between 2003 and 2010. Specialist treatments -- such as coronary angioplasty -- to open blocked or narrowed arteries that supply blood to the heart are also much more widely available to heart attack patients now.

But patients aged 85 or over are less likely than other age groups to receive specialist care from a cardiologist and vital heart medicines upon discharge from hospital.

The study found that heart attack patients who are over 85 years old are 75 per cent less likely than someone under 55 to receive emergency coronary angioplasty or clot-busting drugs. These treatments restore blood to the oxygen-starved part of the heart. Patients over 85 were also considerably less likely to receive vital heart drugs such as beta blockers and statins after treatment for a heart attack.

The improvements in specialist care are evidence of the impact of the National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease (NSF CHD). The framework has been crucial in providing a focus for the health service in reducing death and disability caused by heart disease in England and Wales. However the results also highlight the unequal access to heart care across different age groups.

The researchers used data recorded in the Myocardial Ischemia National Audit Project, which examined the quality of management of heart attacks across hospitals in England and Wales. The data is drawn from over 600,000 heart attack events at 255 hospitals.

Dr Chris Gale, NIHR Clinician Scientist at the University of Leeds and Consultant Cardiologist, who led the research, said: "The NSF has led the NHS to make great strides in heart attack treatment by ensuring the best proven treatments are available to heart patients across England and Wales.

"But as the results for the elderly show, despite dramatic improvements in their care, we shouldn't be complacent. There's still progress to be made, not just in-hospital but after patients are discharged and a GP is then responsible for their care."

Natasha Stewart, Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: "This study highlights the importance of providing the best possible care to all heart patients regardless of their age. It's not fully clear why the over 85s are missing out but it's wholly unacceptable that elderly heart attack patients do not have equal access to a cardiologist in the UK. This reduces their chance of getting early interventions, even though there's evidence that they would benefit just as much as younger patients.

"The NSF has clearly helped to improve and standardise treatment and care for heart attack patients. But the continued inequalities demonstrated in this study -- combined with the fact that coronary heart disease is still the UK's single biggest killer -- emphasises the need for a renewed approach to address the huge future challenges we face."

The research is published in the European Heart Journal.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Leeds.

Note: ScienceDaily reserves the right to edit materials for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. C. P. Gale, B. A. Cattle, A. Woolston, P. D. Baxter, T. H. West, A. D. Simms, J. Blaxill, D. C. Greenwood, K. A. A. Fox, R. M. West. Resolving inequalities in care? Reduced mortality in the elderly after acute coronary syndromes. The Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project 2003-2010. European Heart Journal, 2011; DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehr381

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, October 21, 2011

Chilly, wet weather in forecast for Series opener

updated 6:32 p.m. ET Oct. 18, 2011

ST. LOUIS - Batter up ... and bundle up!

The weather forecast is calling for temperatures in the upper 40s with a chance of rain and wind for the World Series opener Wednesday night between the Texas Rangers and St. Louis Cardinals.

The wind chill is expected to drop into the upper 30s as Game 1 progresses. It was in the mid-50s as the teams took batting practice Tuesday at Busch Stadium, though some players wore ski caps.

It's been damp before in St. Louis during the World Series. A game in 2006 against Detroit was postponed by rain, and there was rain in 2004 against Boston.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0 vs. iPhone 4S (Yahoo! News)

Google's new Ice Cream Sandwich OS and Apple's iOS 5 go head to head

Android and the?iPhone may seem like oil and water ? at least depending on who you ask ? but the two major forces in the smartphone world are starting to increasingly take their cues from one another. Apple just introduced iOS 5, the newest version of its wildly popular mobile operating system, and now Google's let the cat out of the bag on Android 4.0 (playfully nicknamed "Ice Cream Sandwich") and a new flagship phone, the powerhouse?Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Android 4.0 seeks to remedy the most common complaints about Android: namely its complexity (and the fact that it isn't the indomitable?iPhone). Read on to see how the two mobile heavyweights fare in a head-to-head match.

The sleek interface of Ice Cream Sandwich

If you've spent any time with an Android tablet, you've seen the Tron-esque stark black visual landscape that Google has now ported over to Android for phones. Thought up by lauded mobile designer Matias Duarte, the look is a somewhat radical new direction: A sleek retort to the simplicity of iOS that stands apart with deep blacks, glowing blues, and an ultra-modern new font called Roboto. Android 4.0 also tosses resizable widgets into the mix, making it even easier to get weather, email, texts, and more without opening an app.

Apple's iOS 5 doesn't introduce much in the way of a visual redesign, but why mess with a winning formula? As far as function goes, iOS 5 does introduce an extremely useful pull-down notification system that replaces the incessant pop-ups of yore, though Apple admittedly took its inspiration from Android.

Winner: Android 4.0 Android's new look is striking and innovative (even if it isn't everyone's cup of tea). The visual style of iOS is clean by definition, but it doesn't have the pizazz of the new blue Android 4.0 and didn't evolve nearly as far in the last update.

Apple's iCloud automates you backup needs

Syncing and software suites
Apple has made much ado about iCloud, its brand new iOS 5 feature that zaps your downloads to the cloud and syncs iTunes downloads like apps, music, and photos?them across your iDevices. If you're a former MobileMe user you'll be happy to know that the service is now free, and rolled up under the banner of iCloud for email, contact, and calendar syncing.

Integration with the cloud has always been a strong suit for Google. While Google Music Beta might have been upstaged by on-demand cloud music darling Spotify, Google's vast suite of software services are quite handy on Android compared to their iOS counterparts. Apps like Gmail offer a richer, deeper experience on Google's own platform, and with Android 4.0, Google has upped the game with enhanced offline email search (up to 30 days back), a functional redesign to make things simpler and smoother, and a revamped Calendar app.

Winner: Tie If you're more plugged into iTunes and the service formerly known as MobileMe, Apple's software will make your life a breeze. If you lean more heavily on Gmail, Google Calendars, and the like, Android is built for you.

Siri on the iPhone 4S is an advanced AI

Killer features from the future: Siri vs. Android Beam and Face Unlock
Both iOS 5 and Android 4.0 have a futuristic touch ? and we're not just talking glowing blue tones either. With iOS 5, Apple introduced us to?Siri, a voice command and search app that's almost eerily sophisticated. You can speak into your iPhone 4S and ask Siri anything you want (really, anything!) and Siri speaks the information you need ? or least a quirky retort. Android has boasted handy built-in voice commands for longer, but Siri is far more comprehensive...and far closer to being sentient.

Paired with the futurescape of its new look, Android 4.0 introduces two very cool little bonus features: Android Beam and Face Unlock. If you've ever used the clever app Bump to swap phone numbers, Beam is the exact same idea, but expanded. With Beam, you can tap two phones together and watch as websites, videos, directions, and apps are zapped from one phone to the other.

Face Unlock for Android 4.0 is a trick that could prove pretty useful in securing your phone from prying eyes. Using Google's face recognition technology, you can unlock your phone just by peering into the front-facing camera and having your face recognized.

Siri Both Apple and Android's new futuristic features have some inherent limitations. Siri is only available for the iPhone 4S, and isn't open to all iOS 5 users. Android Beam will debut on the new flagship Galaxy Nexus phone, and then be possible between any two Android 4.0 phones that have a?Near-Field Communication (NFC) chip or sticker. Unfortunately, knowing Google's checkered past with Android updates and its ongoing struggles with its grab bag of Android makers, it's hard to say how long it'll be before the stars will align for Beam.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

iPhone 4S vs. Galaxy Nexus
While the iPhone 4S is no iPhone 5, it's no slouch either. The phone isn't radically redesigned, but it's got a huge boost in speed thanks to an A5 processor, an even better camera with an 8MP sensor and f/2.4 aperture, and then there's Siri behind the wheel, and the winning design and retina display introduced with the last generation iPhone.

There's a veritable sea of Android phones out there, but the new reigning champion is the Galaxy Nexus, made by Samsung and due out next month. As the latest in Google's bloodline of Nexus flagship phones, it will be the first phone running Android 4.0 out of the gate ? a huge advantage in our crazy, mixed up Android world.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus tech specs:

  • 4.65" Super AMOLED screen
  • 1.2Ghz dual-core processor
  • Support for 4G LTE
  • Sliver-thin 9mm thickness
  • Curved design that makes it feel natural to hold
  • Android 4.0
  • NFC

Winner: iPhone 4S In terms of screen quality, speed, and design, these two phones are clearly the very upper crust of the mobile world. They're very nearly equally matched, but the iPhone 4S is a better fit for more buyers. The flagship Android phone's huge screen will be great for video and web-browsing, but it's also just plain too big to have a broad appeal. And since there are so many more fish in the Android sea, this round goes to the one and only iPhone.

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life Insurance And Term Life Insurance Are Popular Investment ...

He will be eligible for a predetermined coverage amount that the insurance company will pay at the time of the death of the holder life insurance is taken by a policyholder from an insurance company ? this contract ensures that if the former pays certain fixed premium amounts. To pay off outstanding debts and also use the money to take care of immediate expenses they will be able. It is both financially and emotionally hard on the surviving spouse even if both spouses in a family are working, when one dies.

Without any kind of financial crisis taking a life insurance can ensure the family can continue comfortably. Under two categories life insurance policies : Protection policies Term life Investment policies Whole life Universal life Variable life.

To the beneficiaries at the time of the death of the policyholder protection policies provide a guaranteed death benefit. To understand and affordable to take it is a simple insurance policy with no frills and fancies and is easy.

The investment policies allow growth of capital by having both a death benefit and a savings module. Both types of policies have their own merits and demerits and a life insurance quote on line will highlight the differences in cost, terms, and conditions between these two categories of life insurance. By getting a life insurance quote on line, it is easier for people to distinguish between different offers and make an informed decision.

Everyone can find the most acceptable coverage for their needs by adopting a few tips. The first step before even asking for life insurance quotes is to decide how much coverage a family needs. In his or her retirement life this must include all long term debts like home mortgages, education of children and how much the surviving spouse will need. Between whole life insurance and term life insurance once this decision is made, you can decide. When you ask for online quotes apart from reading up on what each type of policy is, you can also get greater clarity about the costs.

For at least 3 insurance companies once the quotes are got, you can compare them and settle down. On which company to go with after further research and asking them relevant questions you can decide. The best place to get cheap term life insurance quotes or whole life insurance quotes is online. Insurance companies will try hard to outdo each other to offer the most attractive package that will garner more customers here. If they have life insurance too if you already have auto, home or health insurance, ask the same company. For multiple insurance policies most insurance providers will give attractive discounts.

You can also use the free online insurance calculators that are provided apart from using the Internet to get online quotes. To pay each month for your premiums just input salient details like coverage amount and period and you will instantly get an approximate figure as to how much you will need. With at least an A rating check the rating of the company to make sure that it is a good, reliable company.

To undergo a medical exam most people who want cheap life insurance will be prepared. To help you lower future rates a medical exam will ensure you get affordable insurance and it is also a way for insurance companies. The doctor may put you on some medication and also advice you to stop smoking or drinking, if you do so for example, if a medical exam reveals the fact that you have high cholesterol. When the tests will be repeated you can be asked to return after a few months. This can not only result in improved health but also help reduce insurance rates.

Especially if they have some prior medical condition of course, there are those who for various reasons. These people can opt for no medical term life insurance. At slightly higher rates of interest but can be processed quickly these policies are available. Answer the health questions honestly and go with a reputed company just make sure.

Article by David Livingston of EQuote, who is a specialist in everything life insurance. For more information on affordable term life insurance and no medical life insurance, visit his site today.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Many cancer survivors struggle with PTSD symptoms (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) ? A cancer diagnosis can leave lasting psychological scars akin to those inflicted by war, according to a new survey.

More than decade after being told they had the disease, nearly four out of 10 cancer survivors said they were still plagued by symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

Those symptoms include being extra jumpy, having disturbing thoughts about the cancer and its treatment, or feeling emotionally numb toward friends and family.

One in 10 patients also said they avoided thinking about their cancer and one in 20 said they steered clear of situations or activities that reminded them of the disease.

That could amount to a medical problem, in addition to the psychological toll, said lead researcher Sophia Smith from the Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina.

"You worry if the patient is avoiding medical care, you worry they might not be getting follow-ups," she told Reuters Health. "We don't have data to support that, but we worry about it."

The survey is based on 566 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a relatively common kind of cancer that strikes about 66,000 Americans every year.

Smith's team had surveyed these patients for PTSD symptoms once before, estimating that about one in 12 had full-blown PTSD. The diagnosis involved a trio of symptoms, including avoidance, arousal and flashbacks.

Many more had one or more PTSD symptoms, however. And the new survey, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, shows they often persist.

Overall, half of the patients had no PTSD symptoms 13 years after their diagnosis. The problems had disappeared in 12 percent, but had remained or worsened in 37 percent.

"This study found that people seemed to have worse PTSD later on," said Bonnie L. Green, a trauma expert who pioneered the study of PTSD in breast cancer survivors, but was not linked to the new work.

"It's just very stressful for people to be told that they have cancer," Green, of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., told Reuters Health. "You can't just assume that they feel bad now, but it will go away."

She stressed that it's only a minority of patients who develop full-blown PTSD, but added that depression is common after a cancer diagnosis.

The new survey shows that low-income people are extra vulnerable to the psychological impact of living with cancer.

"I am particularly concerned about the patients who are poor or have less resources," said Smith.

She said doctors have to be better at recognizing distress in patients and improving patients' experience when they get the diagnosis.

"Each time they come in you are asking not only if they're having pain, but also if they are having stress," Smith said. "There are wonderful therapies out there."

Those treatments include trauma counseling and talk therapy, which have been proved effective in several studies. Smith recommended the website for people interested in more information about PTSD.

SOURCE: Journal of Clinical Oncology, online October 11, 2011.


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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oldest fossil rodents in South America discovered; Find is 10 million years older and confirms animals from Africa

ScienceDaily (Oct. 11, 2011) ? In a literal walk through time along the Ucayali River near Contamana, Peru, a team of researchers found rodent fossils at least 41 million years old -- by far the oldest on the South American continent.

The remains -- teeth -- showed these mouse- and rat-size animals are most closely related to African rodents, confirming the hypothesis that early rodents of South America had origins in Africa, said Darin Croft, an anatomy professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and member of the research team.

This discovery supports the contention that rodents landed in the north and spread south. The rodents are from the suborder Caviomorpha, the group that includes living rodents such as guinea pigs, chinchillas, and New World porcupines. The oldest fossils from this group are only about 32 million years old in central Chile and about 30 million years old in Patagonia, Argentina,. Taken all together, the pattern contradicts the theory of a northward expansion deduced from the fossil record 20 years ago.

The findings, which describe three new species, are published online in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

"This really pushes back the date of the first South American rodents," said Croft, a paleontologist who specializes in mammalian evolution.

Pierre-Olivier Antoine, a professor of paleontology in the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences at Montpellier University in southern France, asked Croft to join the team of scientists from France, Germany, Peru and Panama. Members first flew into the region in 2008, after reading Harvard Geology Professor Bernhard Kummel's 1948 description of the area.

Kummel mentions fossils along the Ucayali, a major tributary of the Amazon, but the team found no evidence that anyone had investigated them.

During three trips from 2008 to 2010, Antoine's group found the fossils in a portion of the riverbank exposed when the water level is low.

The geology along the river showed that layers of rock, including the fossil layer, had been pushed up in a rainbow-shaped fold, called an anticline. The layers that had once been above or below the fossils turned from horizontal to nearly vertical. Instead of digging down to the past, the scientists walked downstream from the fossil layer to go back in time, upstream to go forward in time.

Ash found among silt particles 47 meters forward in time was dated at 41 million years ago using argon-argon radioactive dating, providing the minimum age of the fossils.

The date is supported by genetic studies of living African and South American rodents that show the animals are of common origin and estimate the animals arrived in South America during the Mid-Eocene Climatic Optimum, or about 40 million years ago.

At that time, other scientists estimate, an African rodent on a raft of vegetation could have reached Northeast Brazil in one to two weeks.

The characteristics of the teeth found reinforce the connection between the continents: the morphologies are closest to those of African rodents.

The dental features indicate the rodents probably ate soft seeds and plant parts as many small rodents do today.

Pollen extracted from the fossilized mud that contained the teeth suggests these rodents lived in a rain forest, much like the rain forest there today.

The new species, however, are smaller than nearly all caviomorph rodents today. This group includes the largest living rodent, the capybara, which can reach 150 pounds.

Cachiyacuy contamanensis, named for the Contamana region, appeared to be the size of a small rat.

Canaanimys maquiensis, named for the specific locality the fossils were found, and Cachiyacuy kummeli, named for Kummel, were about the size of a field mouse.

Remains of two more rodents found at the site appear to be the same as those described, but not dated, in a 2004 study from Santa Rosa, Peru, in the Amazon basin southeast of this site. The authors of the new paper identified them by their genus only: Eobranisamys and Eospina.

Remains of other mammals such as marsupials, an armadillo, and several types of hoofed mammals were also found at the site, but most are too fragmentary to identify precisely. They appear to be closely related to species from 45 to 35 million-year-old fossil sites elsewhere in South America, further supporting the age of the Peruvian site.

"This study shows that where we're looking for fossils has a major effect on what we think we know about mammal evolution," Croft said. While Patagonia in the extreme south of the continent has been well researched, comparatively few fossil beds have been found in much of the rest of South America, especially in more tropical areas.

"There are still a lot of great fossils to be discovered," Croft said. He doubts, however, that much older caviomorph fossils will be found. "Odds are pretty low that we would push back the date for these rodents by more than a million years or two."

The fossils are permanently stored at the Museum of Natural History in Lima.

The research was funded by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

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The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Case Western Reserve University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Journal Reference:

  1. P.-O. Antoine, L. Marivaux, D. A. Croft, G. Billet, M. Ganerod, C. Jaramillo, T. Martin, M. J. Orliac, J. Tejada, A. J. Altamirano, F. Duranthon, G. Fanjat, S. Rousse, R. S. Gismondi. Middle Eocene rodents from Peruvian Amazonia reveal the pattern and timing of caviomorph origins and biogeography. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1732

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Coping With Stress: Ways of Coping With Stress Effectively ...

Coping W?th Stress: Ways ?f Coping W?th Stress Effectively

Many people admit th?t th?? ?r? suffering fr?m stress. Many ?f th??? people ?r? involved ?n demanding ?n? taxing work. S?m?, such ?? movie stars, suffer fr?m ?t ?ft?r continually trying t? live ?n th??r exacting lifestyle. Others suffer stress due t? traumatic life events, cramming during exams ?n? deadlines ?r b?? personal relationships.


B?t wh?t ?? stress anyway? Technically speaking, stress ?? a condition wherein th? property ?f a human being t? maintain a constant, stable condition ?? disrupted. It ?? ??th?r a physical ?r physiological stimulus ??n produce negative mental ?r physical reactions. Th??? reactions ??n lead t? exhaustion ?r illness.


T? deal w?th stress, people engage ?n many things. Th?r? ?r? a variety ?f ways ?n coping w?th stress.


S?m? people exercise regularly t? ??t rid ?f stress. Proper exercise h??? reduce stress b? keeping th? body fit ?n? healthy. Many people prefer t? exercise ?n a gym ?n th? company ?f ?th?r ??k? minded individuals. Th? exercise, camaraderie ?n? sharing ?f experiences h??? relax a person ?? h? ??n reduce stress levels.



F?r ??m? people, coping w?th stress ??n mean taking a leave ?n? going out ?f th? city t? ?n??? th? countryside. Free fr?m th? confines ?f th? office ?n? th? responsibility ?f office work, stressed people feel more relaxed ?n? ?t ease w?th themselves. Nothing ??n b? ?? refreshing ?? taking a breath ?f fresh mountain air ?r taking a swim ?n ???? spring waters.


S?m? people ???? meditate t? cope w?th stress. Meditation ?? a technique wherein a person enters ?nt? a state ?f concentrated attention. Meditation ??n attune oneself t? h?? inner spirituality ?n? ?? ??th?r required ?r practiced ?n many religions. B?t aside fr?m th?t, meditation ???? relieves stress. In fact, hospitals require patients wh? ?r? chronically ?r terminally ill fr?m stress t? meditate. It reduces complications ?n? alleviates th? immune system.


Treating oneself w?th massages, acupuncture ?r acupressure ?? ???? a ???? way t? cope w?th stress. Done correctly, th??? practices ??n relieve psychological stress, manage pain, include blood circulation ?n? even aid ?n healing.


Th?? ?? hard t? believe b?t th?r? ?r? ???? ?th?r people wh? engage ?n exciting, ??n??r??? activities t? cope w?th stress! Th?? participate ?n risky activities such ?? sky diving, bungee jumping ?r scuba diving t? ??t rid ?f stress. It ?? th? adrenalin r??h wh??h m?k?? th?m feel ???? ?b??t wh?t th?? ?r? doing. Wh?n such r??h ?? experienced, th??? people feel invincible ?n? ?n top ?f themselves. Such a superior feeling ?? relaxing ?n? helps ?n taking away stress.


A?? th??? techniques ?r? helpful ?n coping w?th stress. It ?? now th? individual?s preference ?? t? wh?t way h? w??? ?h????.

F?r more information ?n stress management techniques, including 47 stress management tips, ?? t?:

Bakari ?? a Freelance writer ?n? researcher. H? ?? certified ?n Self Improvement ?n? Health Education ?n? h?? written more th?n 300 publications ?n Self Improvement ?n? Health Issues wh??h ??n b? found ?t h?? website ?t:

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

German hackers find possible government malware

Jacob Aron, technology reporter

A group of German hackers say they have discovered trojan software developed by their government that can be used to spy on computer users without their knowledge.
The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) gained access to a copy of the "Bundestrojaner" (State Trojan) and found the program could be used to activate a computer's microphone or camera as well as log a user's online activity.

Since 2008 German police forces have been legally allowed to to install wiretapping software on a suspect's computer in order to monitor voice-over-IP communications through services such as Skype, but they are forbidden from accessing or installing other programs. The CCC analysis suggests the police software is capable of much more than is legally allowed.

"Our analysis revealed once again that law enforcement agencies will overstep their authority if not watched carefully. In this case functions clearly intended for breaking the law were implemented in this malware: they were meant for uploading and executing arbitrary code on the targeted system," say the CCC.

Security firm Sophos has confirmed that the trojan is able to eavesdrop on instant messaging software, log internet browser keystrokes and take screenshots of what appears on user's screens, while also attempting to communicate with a remote website. Sophos consultant Graham Cluley also says there is no way to confirm the software was written by the German state.

Regardless of who wrote the software, it seems installing it on someone's computer leaves them wide open to any attacker. The trojan's commands are unencrypted, making it possible for anyone to access an infected system and retrieve or upload data. "The security level this trojan leaves the infected systems in is comparable to it setting all passwords to '1234'," says the CCC.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Without an investment in SEO, your author website will be largely ...

Without an investment in SEO, your author website will be largely?invisible

Without an investment in SEO, your author website will be largely invisible.


If you build it, they will come. Right? The people. Readers. Visitors. Purchasers. Customers. Repeat visitors. You write a good book, build a good website, and they will appear, as if by magic ? won?t they? NO ? not without good SEO.

Simply put, search engine optimization (SEO) is the organic (i.e., not purchased) process of improving a website or web page?s visibility and ranking in the search engines so that it is among the top results for the designated keywords. Your author website cannot succeed without it.

SEO is a giant subject/industry, and there are tons of people out there much better versed in it than we are. However, there are some basic concepts to keep in mind when looking to improve your site?s search engine optimization ? and/or hire an SEO company to help you. One thing to remember is that SEO is a dynamic entity, meaning it changes all the time. The search engines recalibrate frequently, meaning that what you did yesterday to get to the top of the search rankings may be not be what you need to do to stay there.

There are a few things that remain consistent:


Make sure your domain name (and the title of your book, for that matter) incorporates your keywords.


  • Be selective and deliberate in your choice of keywords.
  • Learn to think like your potential readers. What kinds of words will the choose when looking for a book like yours?
  • Increase your search effectiveness by adding regional identifiers.

EXAMPLE: Use ?Scottsdale first-time homebuyers? vs. just ?real estate?

  • Remember the misspellings. If your keywords contain one that is often misspelled, include the misspelling to increase your chances of capturing that traffic.


Meta tags are the bits of information that lie behind the stuff your visitors see: descriptions of pictures, titles for your web pages; the name of the program used to create the page, descriptions of the page. Many search engines use the information stored in meta tags when they index web pages, which is why it is essential that your meta tags contain your keywords.


While links have become less crucial as the Web has aged and matured, they still are an important aspect of driving traffic to your sites. Look to link with:

  • Similar industry sites
  • Sites that will send you traffic
  • Relevant sites

Make sure you know how to create a text link. If you learn no other coding ever, this piece is one that will serve you as long as you?re on the web.

<a href=?>
book marketing blog for self-publishing authors


book marketing blog for self-publishing authors

NOTE: The text you want to become the link lies between the > and <.

BONUS TIP: Make sure you don?t chase people away from your site by having your links open in the same window. ALWAYS have your links open in a new tab or a new window. Do this by adding one little piece of code to your text link:

<a ?target=blank? href=?>
book marketing blog for self-publishing authors</a>


Make sure your content naturally lends itself to good rankings. If you answer ?no? to any of the following, you know what you have to do.

  • Is the very first thing appearing on your site searchable content that contains your keywords?
  • Does your content match your meta tags?
  • Do the links pertain to the content on your web pages?
  • Does your content contain your keywords (no more than 4 or 5)?
  • Does your content make sense?
  • Do you have high-quality information?
  • Will other website owners want to link to you because your site has good information?
  • Is your content easy to follow?


On-page optimization means the things on the web page itself that you can control or do to increase your site?s search engine rankings. These include:

  • Page title
  • Banner text
  • Site navigation
  • Image descriptions
  • Keywords
  • Links


Off-page optimization means all other the things you can do to increase traffic to your site, such as:

  • Blogging
  • Article marketing
  • Social media
  • Submitting to directories
  • Mailers (i.e., the old-fashioned way!)
  • Speaking/book signings

For more detailed info on SEO, read every post on As we said, it?s a big topic, but investing the time to do it right will make the difference between people being able to find your site, and the sound of crickets chirping as you wait for the visitors to show up.

If you should decide to hire someone to help you with SEO, one big suggestion: DO YOUR RESEARCH! Check things like the SEO on the company?s own site. If they?re not showing at the top of the search engines in a search for ?SEO + your city/state/region,? don?t hire them. Check references. Ask what you will get for your money, and make sure you feel comfortable with hiring that company. Reminder: Your gut instincts are usually correct.

If you?re just building your website, this is the time to get the SEO right. If you?ve had your site for awhile, it?s never too late to go back and make changes that could make a big difference.



Download your complimentary copy of the highly useful Website Design & Marketing worksheet from Write | Market | Design.


We welcome and encourage your thoughtful, courteous comments below.


If you?d like us to add a link to your writing/self-publishing/book marketing blog, please send us a note. If we think it?s a good fit, we?ll be happy to add you. Of course, we?d appreciate the reciprocity of the same!

Additionally, Marcie would be happy to make a guest appearance on your writing/self-publishing/book marketing blog. Just let us know the theme or your idea (preferably including a 6-panel concept), and we?ll see what we can draft for you.



Thursday, Oct.6 ? Does your author site give visitors a reason to COME?BACK?

Monday, Oct. 3?? I?m on Facebook and have a blog ? why do I still need a?website?

Friday, Sept. 30 ? Is your author website?DOA?

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Monday, October 10, 2011

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Presidential race loses fizz for Tea Party (Reuters)

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO (Reuters) ? With their favored candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination lagging or out of the race, many U.S. Tea Party activists are shifting focus to the struggle for control of the U.S. Senate.

The fizz has gone out of the presidential contest for some supporters of the fiscally conservative movement now that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is not running and Texas Governor Rick Perry and congresswoman Michele Bachmann are slipping in polls.

"No one is going to get perfect in a general election candidate. That is why we think the Senate is a better place to focus," said Matt Kibbe, president and chief executive of the libertarian FreedomWorks, a Tea Party group.

In the 2010 mid-term elections, Tea Party opposition to President Barack Obama's policies played a big role in slashing the Democrats' majority in the 100-member Senate to just six seats and eliminating their majority in the House of Representatives.

With 23 of the 33 Senate seats up for grabs next year now held by Democrats, and a wave of public hostility to incumbents, Tea Party activists said they looked forward to more Republican gains in 2012.

"We'll maintain the House without a problem. We absolutely have to take back the Senate and focus on that and not let presidential politics consume all of our time and energy," said Amy Kremer, chairwoman of the California-based Tea Party Express Political Action Committee.

Some of the eight to 10 Senate seats seen as very competitive next year are in Wisconsin, Florida and Ohio, states where Tea Party groups had a big impact in 2010 and during state legislative sessions, fueling optimism about next year, Kibbe said.

"If the issues are the economy and jobs, the burden of spending and the national debt, those are swing issues that Tea Partiers care about most -- there is a nice confluence in what motivates independent voters and what motivates Tea Partiers," he said.


Fueling the Tea Party's disenchantment with the Republican presidential race are suspicions that front-runner Mitt Romney is too moderate and not committed to core conservative causes. The Tea Party favors lower spending and smaller government.

The former Massachusetts governor has been attacked by conservatives for introducing a healthcare program in the state that many say was a model for the sweeping healthcare overhaul enacted by Obama in 2010.

"People are definitely not rallying to Romney," said Chris Littleton, co-founder of the Ohio Liberty Council, a coalition of about 80 Tea Party groups in Ohio, a swing state considered a must-win for any Republican presidential candidate.

"I cannot recall a single conversation I've had with anyone who is conservative and liberty-minded where that person supports Romney," he said.

Some are shifting allegiance to Herman Cain, who has gained in recent polls and appeals to Tea Party activists with a plan to drastically overhaul the tax code, but Cain has yet to prove he can assemble the strong campaign team or attract the level of donations he would need to secure the nomination.

Romney's campaign said his platform of reduced taxes, lower spending and limited government would appeal to Republicans, the Tea Party and even some Democrats, and that he would continue to reach out to all voters.

In the end, Tea Party voters are expected to put aside ideological differences with Romney if he does become the nominee, because their primary goal in next year's presidential race is denying Obama a second term.

"The Tea Party to some extent, though not completely, was born in reaction to the Obama movement. Certainly their number one priority is going to be to beat Barack Obama in the fall. There's no question about that," said Doug Heye, a political consultant and former Republican National Committee spokesman.

Sal Russo, chief strategist and co-founder of the Tea Party Express, said he viewed all the Republican candidates as fiscally conservative enough for the Tea Party. Besides, he added, in the end the movement's supporters want a candidate who can win.

"It certainly doesn't do us any good to run and lose," he said.

(Editing by Paul Simao)


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