Monday, August 22, 2011

Debt Consolidation can lower your monthly ... - Faith and Finance Debt Consolidation can Help avoid filing bankruptcy Eliminate creditor harassment Lower debt payments up to 50% Provide one monthly payment Once you?ve found yourself in debt it may feel like a downward spiral from which you don?t know how you?ll ever regain your footing. It?s hard enough to find simple answers and may seem impossible when the collection agencies constantly call your house and threaten the security of you and your family. Ultimately your decision to choose a debt consolidation loan or credit counseling program to consolidate debts, should be based on your own personal financial situation.
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S&P says to announce action on U.S. munis "shortly"
After stripping the United States of its AAA rating on Friday, S&P is looking at the impact of the country's debt consolidation plan agreed on August 2 on the budgets of states and municipalities, Beers said in a phone conference with clients and media ?
Read more on Reuters

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Causes How come Individuals Have Marital Affairs | Articles Mom

Love and marriage; the two go together like hand and glove, black and white, America and apple pie. It?s how things are done, right? But sometimes, reality eventually settles in and what was once an exhilarating, vivacious and sensual love affair becomes a boring murk of unending sameness, broken up only occasionally by arguments, disagreements and a general sense of depression and disappointment. It?s the reason one out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

So there you are; married but wishing fruitlessly that you could add a few thrills to your life. You yearn for the days when exhilaration still ruled and the simple act of love was a big factor in your everyday life. A lot of guys turn to a marital affair, but for reasons of your own, you?re not willing to enter into a relationship that could end with the extinction of your marriage. An affair can lead to unpleasant commitments, late-night phone calls from angry girlfriends, lame explanations made to your upset wife; the list goes on.

Still, you long for the passion and excitement that a marital affair can provide. So you find yourself looking for affairs. You are one of those guys who are married but looking for an affair. The problem is, how do you find a partner who can provide the thrill you?re looking for without all the obligations and possible emotional embarrassment further along the road?.

Fortunately for you, we?re living in the online age, and as luck would have it there are many women-some married, some unmarried-who feel just as you do and are hunting for the same sort of commitment-free relationship, if possible with a married man. Wouldn?t it be easier to simply hook up online with a desirable woman looking for someone just like you, rather than cruising single bars, lying about your marital standing, and hoping against hope that the truth will never be uncovered and your wife won?t find out.

Many website specialize in exactly this sort of commitment-free match-up. Most permit you to keep your anonymity while still tracking down the ?other woman of your dreams.? The women are organized into various categories, such as ?looking for a discrete affair?, ?encounter?, and women looking for a real, lasting relationship.

All you need do is pick out those women who seem to fit your particular needs, then contact them via telephone chat, online chat or email. After that, let nature take its course and see where things go. Many services offer a free trial period.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about Marital affair and if you?re Married but looking for an affair, please visit us online!.


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Friday, August 19, 2011

Anne Hathaway 'Surprised' Fans With 'One Day' Accent

'I've had people come up to me [and] say, 'I didn't think you could pull it off,' ' she tells MTV News of her British accent.
By Terri Schwartz, with reporting by Josh Horowitz

Anne Hathaway
Photo: MTV News

"One Day" might not mark the first time Anne Hathaway had a British accent in a film, but that doesn't make it any easier to get back into character after filming wrapped.

When MTV News caught up with Hathaway, we asked if she could turn the English accent on easily, having previously acted with a British accent in "Becoming Jane," but she said she never had an easy time slipping into it.

"The accent, as soon as I left England, the accent left me," she said. "We had to go back to do [audio] looping; I made sure I went over many days in advance to get back into it. It's not one that comes naturally, for sure."

To prove her point, Hathaway offered to show off the remnants of her accent to MTV News. " 'Ello, MTV, how's it going?" Hathaway said in her best Cockney voice while wearing a big smile on her face.

"I just insulted, by the way, an entire nation of people," she said afterward, but British co-star Jim Sturgess appeased her by saying, "I feel all right about it." That earned a laugh from Hathaway, who said, "OK, good, I have one on my side."

So far, Hathaway said she hasn't gotten any negative feedback about the accent. Everyone she's talked to who has seen her in the flick has been impressed by her performance, and she's hoping it will stay that way.

"I've had people come up to me who have seen it actually and they say, 'I didn't think you could pull it off.' And people feel inclined to tell me that they really had no faith in me whatsoever," she said with a laugh. "So far, it's ended with a 'But you surprised me, and I really enjoyed your performance.' But I'm just waiting for that person to come up and say, 'Well, I knew you couldn't do it.' "

Check out everything we've got on "One Day."

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Batman: Arkham City with Stereoscopic 3D | Gaming Console Network

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today announced Batman: Arkham City will be playable in stereoscopic and anaglyphic 3D for the Xbox 360? video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation?3 ...


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Choosing A Dentist West Chester PA For Your Children

This article has been viewed 11 times.

Many parents are at a loss when it comes to deciding on a dentist West Chester PA to care for the mouths and teeth of their children. Some dentists are very good with children, gentle and easy to work with, while others are not as good. You might want to ask other parents at a PTA meeting or parents of your child?s friends who they use and if they would recommend him or her.

One of the best ways to discover who is the best in your area is by going to your child?s elementary school and asking the teachers and administration. Very often, dental professionals and hygienists will visit these schools to instruct children about healthy mouth care.

It is good to teach children of a very young age how to care for their teeth. They should be made aware that it is okay to lose the little teeth they have because bigger ones will eventually come in. They should be taught that the care they give their mouth as a child will affect their mouth as an adult.

Adult teeth rely on healthy gums to come out strong. This is one of the reasons a dental hygienist will recommend that children floss and brush regularly. People who have a regular habit of brushing, flossing and using mouthwash in their childhood will carry that into their adulthood.

If there is a need for particular areas of dentistry, such as surgical extractions, orthodontics or pediatrics, check not only the references but the experience the doctor has before getting work done. You want to be comfortable, relying on a professional with a solid reputation.

When choosing a dentist West Chester PA, make sure you check the prices you will be charged for each visit and if there are any extra fees. You will want to clarify that the insurance company you have works with the dental professional you have chosen to ensure you are not left with an unexpected large bill. Read more about: Dentist West Chester PA

Looking to find the most comprehensive information on Dentist West Chester PA?

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ICANN CEO Beckstrom will leave name agency in July (AP)

NEW YORK ? The agency that oversees the Internet's addressing system says its chief executive will leave when his contract ends next July.

Rod Beckstrom, a former U.S. cybersecurity chief, has served as CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers since July 2009. No reason was given for his departure, and no successor was named.

ICANN is the organization that sets policies on domain names ? the monikers behind every website and email address. In June, ICANN approved new guidelines meant to significantly expand the address system. Only a handful of domains, including ".net" and ".com," are currently open for general use worldwide. Hundreds of new suffixes such as ".bank" and ".eco" could be established by late 2012.

Also in June, ICANN elected a new chairman, Internet pioneer Steve Crocker.


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Monday, August 15, 2011

Pippa Middleton Flaunts Tan, Packs Lunch for Beau Alex Loudon (omg!)

Pippa's back!

Recently returned from a family vacation to Mustique (Duchess Kate couldn't join them) Pippa Middleton spent Sunday in the English countryside in Hertfordshire -- to cheer on her boyfriend, Alex Loudon, at the Cricketers Cup Finals.

PHOTOS: Pippa's royal street style

The 27-year old socialite showed off her deep tan and famous figure in an orange dress, and intently watched Loudon (a finance whiz who was once a professional cricketeer) play with Eton Ramblers.

"She was really passionate about the game and looked proud when Alex shone during certain moments," an onlooker tells Us. (Despite a brief split in early summer following the royal wedding, the couple of two years reunited in June.)

PHOTOS: How Pippa became a star

And Middleton even brought lunch! "She had packed a wicker hamper with sandwiches, juices, fruit and other snacks," a witness says.

PHOTOS: Who's the sexiest Brit out there?

When the game was over -- after nearly seven hours of play! -- "They weren't hiding their affections," the witness says. (Sadly, Loudon's team lost in the final round.) "She ran up to him and hugged him. She called him darling and he kissed her briefly. They're a cute couple."

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Worldwide map identifies important coral reefs exposed to stress

Friday, August 12, 2011

Marine researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups have created a map of the world's corals and their exposure to stress factors, including high temperatures, ultra-violet radiation, weather systems, sedimentation, as well as stress-reducing factors such as temperature variability and tidal dynamics.

The study, say the authors, will help to conserve some of the world's most important coral reefs by identifying reef systems where biodiversity is high and stress is low, ecosystems where management has the best chance of success.

The paper appears online in journal PLoS One. The authors include: Joseph M. Maina of WCS and a doctoral student at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia; Timothy R. McClanahan of WCS; Valentijn Venus of Netherlands Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation; Mebrahtu Ateweberhan of the University of Warwick; and Joshua Madin of Macquarie University.

"Coral reefs around the globe are under pressure from a variety of factors such as higher temperatures, sedimentation, and human-related activities such as fishing and coastal development," said Joseph M. Maina, WCS conservationist and lead author on the study. "The key to effectively identifying where conservation efforts are most likely to succeed is finding reefs where high biodiversity and low stress intersect."

Using a wide array of publicly available data sets from satellites and a branch of mathematics known as fuzzy logic, which can handle incomplete data on coral physiology and coral-environment interactions, the researchers grouped the world's tropical coral reef systems into clusters based on the sum of their stress exposure grades and the factors that reinforce and reduce these stresses.

The first cluster of coral regions?Southeast Asia, Micronesia, the Eastern Pacific, and the central Indian Ocean?is characterized by high radiation stress (sea surface temperature, ultra-violet radiation, and doldrums weather patterns with little wind) and few stress-reducing factors (temperature variability and tidal amplitude). The group also includes corals in coastal waters of the Middle East and Western Australia (both regions have high scores for reinforcing stress factors such as sedimentation and phytoplankton).

The second cluster? including the Caribbean, Great Barrier Reef, Central Pacific, Polynesia, and the Western Indian Ocean?contained regions with moderate to high rates of exposure as well as high rates of reducing factors, such as large tides and temperature variability.

Overall, stress factors such as surface temperature, ultra-violet radiation, and doldrums were the most significant factors, ones that ecosystem management has no control over. What is controllable is the mitigation of human impacts that reinforce radiation stress and where managers decide to locate their protected areas.

"When radiation stress and high fishing are combined, the reefs have little chance of surviving climate change disturbances because they both work against the survival of corals that are the foundation of the coral reef ecosystem," said Dr. Tim McClanahan, WCS Senior Conservationist and head of the society's coral reef research and conservation program.

The authors recommend that the study results be used to formulate management strategies that would include activities such as fishing restrictions, the management of watersheds through improved agricultural practices, and reforestation of coastal watersheds that play a role in healthy coral systems.

"The study provides marine park and ecosystem managers with a plan for spatially managing the effectiveness of conservation and sustainability," said Dr. Caleb McClennen, Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society's Marine Program. "The information will help formulate more effective strategies to protect corals from climate change and lead to improved management of reef systems globally."


Wildlife Conservation Society:

Thanks to Wildlife Conservation Society for this article.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

UK's Cameron under pressure over cuts after riots (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? Prime Minister David Cameron is under growing pressure to abandon plans to cut police funding, part of the government's austerity drive, after the worst looting and rioting in decades hit cities across England.

The Conservative Party leader said "the lawless minority" would be hunted down and punished, and blamed the police for their initial response.

Trouble spread from the capital to several other cities over four chaotic nights, severely stretching police resources.

Britain is divided over what caused the looting and arson, but many fear any reduction in police numbers as part of the government's deep public spending cuts would leave the country exposed if more trouble erupts.

Community leaders and some commentators say poverty, unemployment and a sense of exclusion among many young people cannot be ignored, and public sector cuts are likely to hit the poorest in society hardest.

Ed Miliband, leader of the opposition Labour Party, took care not to blame the government's planned cuts directly for the violence, but told the BBC: "The cuts that are being made are very bad for our society."

Cameron blamed the violence on a minority of opportunistic criminals and on society's failings. "When you have deep moral failures you don't hit them with a wall of money," he told parliament in an emergency debate.

Police chiefs were unimpressed with Cameron's criticism of their officers' initial response. "The police faced an unprecedented situation, unique circumstances," said Hugh Orde, president of the Association of Chief Police Officers.

Orde said "honest conversations" were needed with the government about its spending plans. "It's the 20 percent cuts in the present spending period that will lead to less police officers, we should be very clear about that."

Cameron's center-right Conservatives took power in May 2010 in coalition with the smaller, centrist Liberal Democrats, promising to cut spending to reduce a budget deficit that peaked at more than 10 percent of gross domestic product.

Finance minister George Osborne said on Thursday Britain's deficit reduction measures were an example to the rest of Europe, but many fear job losses, benefit cuts and reduced services.

Labour, in power for 13 years until May 2010 under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, have repeatedly said the coalition's planned cuts are too big, too soon, and will stunt the economy.

"The events of the last few days have been a stark reminder to us all that police on our streets make our communities safer and make the public feel safer," Miliband told parliament.

London's mayor, Boris Johnson, has called for a rethink over the police cuts.


Britons were appalled at the scenes on their streets, from the televised mugging of a badly beaten Malaysian teenager by people pretending to help him, to a Polish woman photographed leaping from a burning building.

A 68-year-old man who was attacked as he tried to put out a fire set by rioters in London on Monday night died of his injuries, officials said on Friday. Police have launched a murder inquiry.

The scale and ferocity of the rioting -- not only in inner-city areas but also in some middle-class suburbs -- battered Britain's image as a civilized and peaceful society.

Footage of looters kicking in shop windows and stealing everything from baby clothes to food and television sets was repeated for days on rolling news channels around the world.

The unrest flared first in London after police shot dead a black man and refused to give his relatives information about the incident. A local protest then developed into widespread looting and violence.

But social strains have been growing in Britain for some time, with the economy struggling to clamber out of an 18-month recession, one in five young people out of work and high inflation squeezing incomes and hitting the poor hardest.

Some of the looters spoke of taking a stand against "the system" and picked out the recent scandal of lawmakers' fraudulent expenses claims and huge bonuses paid to bankers.

Morale in London's police force has been dented by the loss of its leader and other senior figures in recent weeks in the fallout from the phone-hacking and bribery allegations at Rupert Murdoch's British newspapers.

As courts stayed open through the night to deal with the hundreds of people charged over the looting and violence, police flooded the streets to maintain an uneasy peace.

Steve Kavanagh, deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said 16,000 officers would remain on duty in the capital on Friday. That is their biggest peacetime deployment and compares with a normal figure of around 2,500.

(Editing by Janet Lawrence)


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Learn to cook on Google+ with a virtual, casual culinary class (Yahoo! News)

Google+ Cooking School is the intersection of social media and the kitchen

When Google+ debuted, we here at Tecca were delighted with?Hangouts, the new social network's dynamic video chat feature. While Hangouts have great utility for virtual office meetings and catching up with friends who might be far afield, one New York foodie had a big idea: Why not host a cooking show?

Plenty of cooking shows have?entertained popularity and even gone viral on?YouTube, but Lee Allison's?Google+ Cooking School opens up the kitchen to a group and broadcasts live. Hangouts can host up to 10 members, so each laid-back culinary session can have active participants without there being too many cooks in the (virtual) kitchen. So far, the social media culinary experiment has tackled a diverse menu ranging from from gnocchi and crab rangoon to paella.

Of course, the nature of Hangouts means his cooking show can't explode in viewership the same way a YouTube phenomenon would, but he's already looking forward.?Allison got his start on?Google+, but plans to actually launch the idea into a business venture called Social Skillet, which will necessitate that he leave Google+ for?WebEx, a paid video conferencing software tool.

To keep up with Allison's cooking school, you can follow his?Google+ profile and get social about all that simmering?and saut?ing.


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Friday, August 12, 2011

Obama Unveils Plans for 2012 Federal Budget; Non-Profit Sector ...

Obama Unveils Plans for 2012 Federal Budget; Non-Profit Sector Prepares to Duck a Potentially Devastating Fiscal Blow.

Washington, DC (Vocus/PRWEB) February 17, 2011

On Monday President Obama unveiled his outline for the 2012 Federal Budget making good on his promise to propose broad cuts in domestic spending, leaving many advocates in the non-profit sector wondering how the spending freeze would affect the national economy as well social welfare programs designed to improve low-income communities.

There is real adamant pressure from Republican law makers backed by the Tea Party to cut domestic spending across the board, more so than last year according to a recent post by the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

As Obama makes the shift in his economic game plan from stimulus measures to reducing the annual deficit, funding for many of the programs the President once publicly supported are destined to be scrapped, says Vincent Everett (CEO Works of Life International Ministries).

Given the rise of Republican influence in the House, however, it might be the case that the Right is taking the ball from the President to run it more effectively, according to Everett. But even so, some experts in the philanthropic community including Mr. Everett fear that Obama is proposing to slash domestic spending in a way that would harm non-profit organizations and hamper economic recovery.

?Obama is not exactly trimming the size of the federal government in the sense the GOP intends, because he?s cutting funding in all the wrong ways,? says the Works of Life Chief Executive.

?The president is cutting funding for government-run social welfare programs, which isn?t necessarily a bad thing since the most effective organizations in the non-profit sector would thrive,? continues Everett, ?But Obama wants to cut spending and increase taxes so that more money is going into the federal government with no real security that it will be spent wisely.?

The Works of Life CEO wrote in a recent statement that Obama?s 2012 Budget Proposal would use increased tax dollars to sustain a new system in which non-profits would have to compete to meet federal criteria in order to receive government grants. ?This plan takes personal choice out of the equation,? Everett states, ?It?s the worst thing that could happen to non-profit organizations; you have to pay more in taxes to run a program that, if this administration?s past policy initiatives are any indication, will not even be effective anyway.?

Obama?s official budget for 2012 proposes to diminish the value of charitable tax deductions for Americans in the top economic bracket, 250K and up. This is the same as last year?s budget proposal that failed in which Obama made the same suggestion to limit the rate of charitable tax deductions by thirty percent, which if passed this time around would stand at 28 percent.

?What we have here is the president commissioning increased revenue through higher taxes, which will turn the nation?s wealthiest away from making a charity donation. It?s exactly the same as asking them to donate to charity after you?ve taken away a chunk of their money. It?s not going to work,? says Everett, ? Americans would have to bank on the success of government-run social welfare programs. But I wouldn?t trust them to run a lemonade stand.?

Organizations like Works of Life, non-profit, non-denominational faith-based charitable organizations, provide an alternative avenue towards social welfare that by in large runs independently from government interference, adds the charity?s Director Don Smith. ?The problem,? mentions Smith, ?is when the Federal Government starts to draw people away from charity only to mess things up even worse than they were before.?

For over a decade Works of Life has worked alongside its affiliate charitable organizations Online Car Donation and the With Causes charitable network to encourage more Americans to donate to charity by expanding items eligible for a charitable tax deduction: potential donors can donate car, donate boat or yacht, or even donate aircraft that they no longer wish to own in order to create revenue to help fund a variety of worthy charitable causes.

Works of Life?s charitable program has recently gained national attention; the organization has appeared in USA Today and Forbes magazine among other major news agencies. ?We do the kind of work that the government never could. We?re using what people want to give away to effect positive change in communities across the US, all while providing donors with a charitable tax deduction,? writes Everett.

Obama announced in his official Budget Proposal speech that he has to make cuts to programs held dear to his heart in order to ameliorate the annual deficit and ensure future economic prosperity. These are programs that the President said Americans ?can do without.?

?That means cutting programs that he once advocated? Obama is acknowledging that his own ideas are not absolutely necessary. Nevertheless, the President still wants to get legislation passed that makes it harder for Americans to donate to a charity of their choice, in order to make them fund his own programs, which for the last two years have gone no where,? mentions Everett.

Philanthropy leaders like Everett advocate choice in charitable giving. A way for this to happen is letting the non-profit sector work in conjunction with the government, says the Works of Life Executive, ?But the President is creating a huge disincentive for a large segment of potential donors. And he?s telling us to not worry about it because things might work out later? This is a cop-out. A dangerous one. Up to this point we haven?t seen any of the promises Obama made come to fruition, so why should the non-profit sector suffer because of his failed policies, especially when we?ve been acting as a counter balance to the government?s inadequacies for over ten years??

Works of Life International Ministries

Online Car Donation

1081 S. Cimmaron

Las Vegas, Nevada 89145

About online car donation/ Works of Life Intl. Ministries Inc.:

Operating since 2002 Works of Life is a non-profit, non-denominational faith-based charitable organization that provides charitable works for other like-minded organizations in the form of endowments, grants and much, much more.

Their clients range from social service agencies to private non-profits, hospitals and more importantly individuals with special needs including victims of crime, military families, those with physical challenges and victims of abuse.

Works of Life has enjoyed a successful relationship with many like-minded charitable Organizations, developing residential based programs for those interested in Ministering to others but limited physically in doing so.

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, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.


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President Obama to hold iftar dinner: Five facts about the Muslim ceremony (The Christian Science Monitor)

President Obama to hold iftar dinner: Five facts about the Muslim ceremony - Yahoo! News Skip to navigation ? Skip to content ? The Christian Science Monitor By Husna Haq Husna Haq ? Wed?Aug?10, 5:26?pm?ET Follow Yahoo! News on , become a fan on Facebook

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    PFT: T.O. moves closer to being at 100 percent

    nfl_g_owens_580Getty Images

    Unlike receiver Randy Moss, receiver Terrell Owens has not retired.? But T.O. has been forgotten in the two-week free-agent free-for-all.

    Owens, who tore an ACL in the offseason (possibly while filming his latest reality show), continues to rehab.? We?re told that he?s a couple of weeks away from returning to 100 percent.? If that happens, his recovery would be nothing short of remarkable, in light of his age (37) and the normal rehab requirements for an injury of this nature.

    Of course, any interested teams would have the final say on whether Owens truly has reached 100 percent.? And then there?s the question of whether anyone will truly be interested, given his reputation for ripping apart a locker room.

    But if ? and that could be a big if ? he can run like he used to, a team that needs a deep threat who won?t cost a lot of money could give him a look-see.? With the Cardinals hoping to stretch the field and with Moss unlikely to be lured to Arizona, the man who has played for the 49ers, Eagles, Cowboys, Bills, and Bengals could be the answer.

    Or maybe Ochocinco will lobby for a Batman-and-Robin sequel in Foxboro.? (That could be the quickest way for Chad to be a former Patriot.)

    Either way, Owens could be signed by Week One.? If, and only if, there?s an interested team that concludes his knee has sufficiently healed.


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    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Foods That Build Muscle | Best Fitness Center

    Do you want to build more muscle? Well if you do then you should know that it is not just lifting weights that will build your muscle it is what you eat as well. Diet as well as weight lifting is what you will need to build up those muscles.

    So the question is what should you eat if you want to build muscle? Well in this article I will tell you what foods you need to be eating to help your muscles recover quicker and gain muscle mass faster.

    You may think that you need fatty foods to bulk up well I am here to tall you that that is not true. Fatty foods will do just that make you fat. Lean meats and fruits and vegetables will actually build muscle. So if looking for a diet and nutrition plan there are many to choose from, but your health care provider, or nutritionist can provide you will one. Or you can just eat a steady diet of vegetables and lean meats to achieve your muscle building goals.

    Eating lean meats such as turkey, fish, and chicken is highly recommended when eating foods that build muscle. These lean meats are high in protein and amino acids which we all know are used to build muscle. Did you know that amino acids are needed to break down the protein to heal the muscles after weight training?

    That is why eating lean meats is so important. The faster you heal your muscles the faster you can gain muscle mass. Also eating foods that are high in potassium can help in the healing of your muscles as well try these foods that are rich in potassium such as strawberries and bananas.

    So there you have it the foods that will build muscle, so stay away from all of those fatty foods, try to avoid high fat cuts of meat, make sure it says lean or 98% fat free. Do not eat fried foods because these are bad calories. Eat baked or grilled food and use olive oil to cook it in.

    Stick to foods that are natural and have not been processed or have a lot of fat and sugar in them. Just use common sense when at the grocery store. Changing your diet now to help build muscle will also help with your over all health now and in the future. Good luck with eating foods that build muscle, along with exercise eating a proper diet will help with building muscle.

    Mike Parker invites to visit his foods that build muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of ?How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind? right here now.


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    Tips on How to Manage Rodent Pest Control |

    Mice, squirrels and chipmunks may possibly conjure softened sentiments in a lot of people, but if you are a homeowner, you know that they, amongst the other 400 species of rodents, can cause irreparable harm to houses.

    Rodents are characterized by their continuously growing teeth, which consists of two prominent incisors on the upper jaw that must be kept short through any means doable. Unfortunately, this usually results in rodents chewing and gnawing their way through the woods and potentially around your residence. There is certainly no discrimination for rodents when it comes to discovering things to chew on: plastic trash cans, fire wood piles, and home-grown vegetable patches are all susceptible towards the dental vandalism of rats, squirrels and rabbits.

    How can rodent pest control be accomplished? Keep in mind that starting any pest control efforts in your home should aim at erradicating your pest problem completely. Some could have sympathy towards rarer rodent pests, but permitting them to escape will only come back as an even bigger difficulty down the line. Finding one rodent and tracing it back to its colony could be your very best beginning point in powerful rodent pest control.

    The subsequent step could be to gauge the scale of intensity that is required to remove the rodents. A key factor to keep in mind is that the smaller the rodent, the more of them there are. For instance, it can be much more prevalent to discover hundreds of mice in a colony than rabbits, who tend to travel in groups of much less than a hundred. Regardless of their size, getting far more of the identical rodent generally indicates much more damages, which will support figure out the chemicals and techniques utilized within the distinct rodent pest control mission. If an army of mice have already infiltrated your home?s infrastructure, it could be much more efficient to release a wide-scale fumigation procedure to ensure that all of the mice are killed on the spot, making it simpler to clean up the mess afterwards. If a smaller group of rodents, such as squirrels, have been feeding on your home?s exterior, setting up traps intermittently in corners and along the walls could just as effective send the message out to all rodents and have them stay away from your residence in the future.

    Whichever tactic you make a decision to employ in a home-wide rodent pest control, by far the most vital thing to recognize is that no rodent has the right to reside in or around your property and you need to never ever really feel remorse in eradicating just about every trace of the invasive species. Keep rodents away from your home for good with efficient rodent pest control.

    James Hitchens has been a professional working in the pest control sector for many years. He has seen the harmful destruction to both homes and health that are potentially caused by a pest infestation. Research his work on pest control across a number of home improvement blogs across the internet.

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    Shan Wells: Crumble

    Back in 2008, I was running hot for the big "O." I even designed myself a nifty tee shirt that utilized Obama's famous "sunrise" logo in a tribal tattoo style, with a small "hope" inserted. I wore it with pride to the Denver Dem's Convention. I wore it when he won. And I've worn it in solidarity over the last two plus years every time Obama's been in trouble.

    But the "hope" began to peel off a few weeks ago. Now it's gone, and the only thing left is a ratty white shadow.


    As someone who deals in metaphor for a living, I found the timing of my fraying shirt frightening. It's an odd synchronicity for my own lost respect for the man. I'll vote for him in 2012. I won't be happy about it. In fact, I'll be as actively worried as if there was a GOPer in the White House.

    Obama looked utterly blank when asked by a reporter last December if he was worried about leverage the GOP had gained to use against him in the yet-to-come debt ceiling fight.

    "What do you mean by, 'leverage'?" Obama asked.

    That one sentence brought an end to my man-crush. Not only did Obama not understand that the GOP HAD rolled him, and was was GOING to roll him again... but he had no clue how. Nor did his advisors, who let him go out and say so in a brightly lit press conference. Oy.

    I expected a strong pushback from the radical right when we elected our first black president. I expected them to go after him with both barrels, the kitchen sink, a slavering pit bull and broken bottles dipped in acid.

    Apparently he didn't. Understandable after one rolling. Unforgivable after three. The guy's giving away the house that FDR built, and apparently he doesn't even know he's doing it.

    One more cave, and he'll either lose next year, or draw a primary challenge, in which case he'll lose anyway. There's only one solution, Mr. President. You must actually fight, actually hold your ground, actually not capitulate, and actually be a Progressive leader.

    In other words, wake the fuck up. Then maybe I'll paint a new "hope" on my poor shirt, and wear it with pride once more.




    Follow Shan Wells on Twitter:


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    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

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    Tuesday, August 9, 2011

    Syrian tanks pound city, Saudi king condemns violence (Reuters)

    AMMAN (Reuters) ? Syrian tanks pounded the city of Deir al-Zor in the country's Sunni tribal heartland for a second day on Monday and the escalating violence in the country prompted a strong condemnation of President Bashar al-Assad by the Saudi king.

    King Abdullah, an absolute ruler like Assad, broke Arab silence and demanded an end to the bloodshed on Monday, saying he was recalling his country's ambassador from Damascus.

    "What is happening in Syria is not acceptable for Saudi Arabia," he said in a written statement read out on Al Arabiya satellite television.

    "Syria should think wisely before it's too late and issue and enact reforms that are not merely promises but actual reforms," he said. "Either it chooses wisdom on its own or it will be pulled down into the depths of turmoil and loss."

    The statement came as Syrian tanks and troops poured into the eastern Sunni city of Deir al-Zor in a further escalation of the five-month uprising against Assad's rule.

    "Armored vehicles are shelling the al-Hawiqa district heavily with their 76mm guns. Private hospitals are closed and people are afraid to send the wounded to state facilities because they are infested with secret police," Mohammad, a resident, told Reuters by phone.

    He said at least 65 people had been killed since tanks and armored vehicles stormed the provincial capital, 400 km (250 miles) northeast of Damascus, on Sunday, crushing makeshift barricades and opening fire.

    The assault on the city, in an oil-producing province bordering Iraq, came a week after tanks stormed Hama, where residents of the city say scores have been killed in an ongoing siege to crush the uprising against minority Alawite rule.

    With deafening Arab silence and an international response that has not gone beyond verbal condemnation and sanctions on Syria's ruling hierarchy, Assad had faced few obstacles in extending the military campaign on cities and towns into the fasting month of Ramadan until the Saudi king intervened.

    Relations between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Syria's minority Alawite ruling hierarchy have been tense since the assassination of Rafik al-Hariri,a Western backed Lebanese Sunni statesman who also had Saudi nationality, in 2005.

    Riyadh backs Hariri's son Saad while Assad, along with Iran's clerical rulers, support the armed Shi'ite guerrilla group Hezbollah.

    A United Nations investigation implicated Syrian security officials in the killing of Hariri and an international tribunal indicted members of Hezbollah. Damascus and the Shi'ite group denied involvement.

    During months of demonstrations in Deir al-Zor, protesters tore up pictures of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and of Iran's president, witnesses and activists said, venting Sunni disquiet at Assad's policy aligning with Shi'ite players.


    The authorities denied the Deir al-Zor assault had taken place. The official state news agency said "not a single tank has entered Deir al-Zor" and reports of tanks in the city were "the work of provocateur satellite channels."

    Syria has barred most journalists, making it hard to confirm events.

    The Syrian Revolution Coordinating Committee said 50 people had been killed in Deir al-Zor on Sunday and at least 13 had been killed in a separate, tank-led assault on villages in the central Houla Plain, near the city of Homs.

    "The numbers of casualties are escalating by the hour," activist Suhair al-Atassi, a member of the Coordinating Union, said by phone from Damascus.

    Another activist said: "The Deir al-Zor assault could be the turning point where the repression will backfire and people will start taking up arms against the regime. Assad cannot repress a whole nation like this, and expect people to watch as thousands get killed or disappear."

    In the past, authorities allowed local tribes in Deir al-Zor to arm as a counterweight to a Kurdish population concentrated further northeast.

    But ties between Assad's government and the Sunni Muslim province deteriorated after years of water shortages, corruption and mismanagement of resources devastated agriculture and led to the internal displacement of up to a million people.

    Assad, who repeatedly has described the uprising as a foreign conspiracy to divide Syria, defended the army's campaign. He was quoted by the official national news agency on Sunday as saying his force were fulfilling a national duty by "dealing with outlaws and convicts who stage highway robbery and seal off cities and terrorize the population."

    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, who had forged close ties with Assad but has been sharply critical of the crackdown, said Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu would visit Damascus on Tuesday.

    "Our message will be decisively delivered," he said, drawing a rebuke from an Assad adviser, who described the Turkish statement as being unbalanced.

    Syrian authorities say armed saboteurs are responsible for most civilian killings and have provoked violence by attacking and killing 500 security personnel. Rights groups and Western states say Assad's forces have killed almost 2,000 civilians.

    U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told Assad by phone on Saturday he was alarmed by the escalating violence and demanded he rein in the army.

    (Reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis, Amman newsroom; Editing by Michael Roddy)


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    Monday, August 8, 2011

    Emmy show aims for laughs, including for the dead (Reuters)

    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) ? This year's Primetime Emmy Awards will feature a healthy dose of irreverence -- and that may even extend to remembering TV performers who have died.

    "I think the in memoriam segment doesn't need to be a bummer. It can be a celebration of what is left behind," Mark Burnett, who is producing the 2011 Emmy show, told reporters on Friday.

    "I am going to look at it a little differently...You are there to honor people's work, and so we can be very sad about it or uplifting about what is left behind," said the reality TV producer behind hits such as "Survivor."

    The "in memoriam" segment honors TV actors, actresses, directors and other industry players who have died in the past year and, more often than not, can be a section that brings sadness to what is supposed to be a joyous awards show.

    Burnett said he planned plenty of fun and spoof moments during the September 18 televised ceremony on Fox, when the most coveted awards in TV will be handed out to the year's top comedy, drama, reality show, actors and writers.

    But Burnett said the fun and laughter would be affectionate, rather than snarky.

    "Fox is edgier than other networks...You are allowed to jump off the cliff at MTV. At Fox you are allowed to lean over. What we need is to have a little fun with it. And the way you can do that is to have spoof moments -- a lot of small, very funny moments that have good natured fun with the last year in television," Burnett said.

    "Glee" star Jane Lynch will host the Emmys for the first time. But Lynch, who plays scheming cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester on the Fox musical comedy and who is also nominated for her second Emmy, said she would largely be playing herself at the award show.

    "A little bit of Sue Sylvester goes a long way. I think we will probably leave her track suit on the Paramount (TV and movie) lot," Lynch said.

    Lynch said she was approaching her Emmy hosting duties with "the necessary cocktail of excitement, anticipation and abject fear."

    Saying she was hoping for plenty of laughs during the evening, she added; "My goal is that no one -- or at least only a very few people -- will cringe."

    (Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)


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    Exactly how Exercise Helps Slow up the Risk of Osteo arthritis

    How Exercise Helps Slow up the Risk ofOsteoarthritisSummarized through Robert W. Griffith, MARYLAND November 21, 2005IntroductionPhysical activity is usually regarded like a good treatment with regard to osteoarthritis (OA), provided it?s not limited by pain within the affected joints. Two physicians in Sweden have done a research in middle-aged people prone to developing OA as well as found a possible mechanism for that beneficial effects associated with exercise in preventing deterioration from the knee joint. Moderate exercise seems to develop knee cartilage, while loss of cartilage is among the main structural modifications in OA. The research findings are reported within the medical journalArthritis& Rheumatism, and therefore are summarized here. That which was doneForty-five volunteers that had undergone the partial removal of the medial meniscus (a leg cartilage) 3-5 many years earlier were randomized to endure a one-hour plan of supervised physical exercise, 3 times per week for 4 several weeks, or to the control group which received no remedy. At baseline they?d a specialized permanent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee, called postponed gadolinium-enhanced MRI associated with cartilage, or dGEMRIC. This permitted the quantity of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) within their cartilage to end up being estimated. GAG relates to the elastic qualities of cartilage. That which was foundThere were 16 women one of the 45 volunteers. Their own average age had been 46, and their own body mass catalog (BMI) was twenty six. 6 kg/m2, showing slight overweight. Thirty from the 45 patients experienced dGEMRIC exams carried out at baseline and following the 4-month study time period. The 16 subjects within the exercise group experienced a significantly improved degree of GAG in their own cartilage, while the 14 subjects within the no-treatment group showed deterioration within their GAG level. Furthermore, the amount associated with improved GAG content was linked to the amount of exercise reported through the participants ? the greater the exercise, the higher the increase within GAG. And the subjects who exercised also reported enhancements in pain, quality-of-life, as well as physical performance ratings. What this meansThe proven fact that the patients experienced all had the previous menisectomy designed they were regarded as at high danger of developing OA. It was bolstered by their own being slightly obese. The change observed in GAG content along with exercise indicates which ?human cartilage reacts to physiological loading in ways similar to which exhibited by muscle mass and bone?, according to among the study?s authors. And this shows that the improvements within symptoms reported with exercise are most likely due to improvements in the caliber of the cartilage, a minimum of in the short-term. The bottom collection ? a structured workout program can help defend against osteoarthritis in those people who are at risk associated with developing it. As well as, of course, it?s great for general health too, whether you?re prone to OA or not really. SourcePositive effects associated with moderate exercise upon glycosaminoglycan content within knee cartilage; the four-month, randomized, controlled trial in patients prone to osteoarthritis. REW. Roos, DL. Dahlberg, Joint disease & Rheumatism, 2005, vol. 52, pp. 3507?3514 Related Links Osteoarthritis Weight reduction and Exercise might help treat Sore Knees Physical exercise Reduces the Discomfort of Osteoarthritis Joint disease Foundation: Exercise as well as Arthritis

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    How to Lose Weight in a Week With 3 Simple Activities | Anti Aging ...

    That bone in a variety of reasons, health care, lose weight in a week, primarily due to weight loss in the depths of the health and fitness, in short, it deposits reduce the whole body of the stomach in the vicinity of fat in lean body mass and adipose tissue and the quality . It is caused by the state deliberately considered overweight or obese. Pound weight loss in general, strength, appearance has been changed to improve health. Attention to your diet by reducing the risks of diabetes and many other health effects of obesity by individuals is extremely convenient.

    Including the use of nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals, there are many ways for others to lose weight, usually to stop consuming all of the adipose tissue in the body to reduce your appetite, reduce the capacity of the stomach or sometimes be. The most serious cases the number of people to workers is limited food and reduce the number of the size of the stomach. Several anti-obesity drug for personal use, or lose weight, or control. There are many Web-based fitness program to help you lose weight weight loss program participants. These programs, in particular, including the specific areas is needed to assist weight loss. Lose weight in a week, in many cases, you can see all the effects. These programs, information on diet, exercise in the timing of daily meal plans, important data and tracking of users and to provide.

    Have proper control of overweight, physical exercise is very necessary. It is actually a fitness, overall health is to improve the health of humans. Frequent and regular exercise to strengthen the body's immune system, because it helps to prevent various diseases. Also, in order to provide confidence and self-esteem, prevent depression, improve your mental state. In its regular pace, losing weight is not all human. It's a lot of factors, depending on their genetic characteristics and the physical body in particular. In addition, it may be a week to lose 20 pounds, most of the weight is less likely due to water. 4 pounds ? healthy people, have lost three weeks of the maximum weight.

    Three things to do in order to lose weight in a week:

    1. The first step is to exercise your mind, by 'there is not far from there. You need to do daily exercise to reduce weight in a week. Aerobics, lose weight fast, a good choice.

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    3. Helps to achieve in just one week to lose weight and get rid of those extra pounds to cycling and hiking.

    , Fiber-rich foods increase the consumption of liquid diet as well as adding your sugar-free products usually glucose, like the stairs more than elevators. In order to lose weight in a week, do all these things.


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    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    Tot plunges to death from ninth-floor window

    An 11-month-old girl died Tuesday night after falling from a ninth-floor window at a Minnesota apartment building.

    St. Paul police spokesman John Keating said investigators were still trying to piece together what led up to the fall. It appeared to have been an accident, he added.

    Keating said several people were inside the apartment when the girl fell. The toddler died at the hospital, authorities said.

    A piece of torn window screen was visible from the apartment late Tuesday, according to the Star Tribune

    One resident told the newspaper that he had spotted a boy sticking his head out of a screenless window at the 24-story Skyline Towers last month.

    The Associated Press and staff contributed to this report.


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    Wednesday, August 3, 2011

    MXSweep and Parallels Allow Partners Immediate Entry to the Internet

    Posted by admin on August 1st, 2011 at 11:49am


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    MXSweep and Parallels Allow Partners Immediate Entry to the Internet Security and Compliance Services Market

    Orlando, FL (PRWEB) February 25, 2011

    Cloud services enablement leader, Parallels, today announced at Parallels Summit 2011 it is entering a partnership with MXSweep, the specialist SaaS Internet Security and Compliance services vendor, allowing the seamless delivery of all MXSweep services to Parallels Automation customers.

    MXSweep is integrating its Internet Security services platform with Parallels Automation and Parallels Business Automation Standard allowing service providers and telecommunications companies immediate entry to the fastest growing SaaS market on very attractive commercial terms and to offer their customer base mission critical security and compliance services. MXSweep has also decided to take the partnership with Parallels one step further and is deploying Parallels Automation to rapidly and easily sell all cloud services to existing MXSweep customers and to enter new markets through the Parallels platform.

    With over 3,000 customers in 16 countries, MXSweep provides an extensive range of on-demand security services that includes email security, email content control and compliance, email recovery and continuity, email and file archiving, web and mobile security, as well as protecting customers from the proliferation of cyber threats. These services allow customers to meet data privacy and retention rules driven by corporate governance and laws such as the Data Protection Act, FRCP, Basel 1, SOX, HIPAA, PCI and MiFID.

    “MXSweep decided to partner with Parallels to allow us to accelerate our deployment model by both providing all our services to the rapidly expanding Parallels global customer base and to utilize the Parallels Automation platform ourselves to enhance our services offering to all existing customers,” remarked Ed Grant, CEO of MXSweep.

    “Parallels allow us to deliver our services to the increasing number of Hosters, ISPs, and Telcos that are now moving to offer cloud services to their customers as well as Governments who are looking to move to private cloud to deliver IT services to the Public Sector. This new direction also brings considerable benefits to our existing partner channel as well who are looking for an industry standard platform with a wide range of leading edge services to sell and deploy to their customer bases.”

    “MXSweep is an innovative ISV offering a portfolio of market leading SaaS security and compliance services that are in great demand. Email security, encryption and archiving are key services that companies around the world need,” said John Zanni, Vice President of Service Provider Marketing and Alliances at Parallels. “MXSweep has also decided to use Parallels as its global platform and we are very pleased to welcome them onboard and to introduce their cloud services to our partners.”

    Parallels Automation automates the full lifecycle of integrated operations and business system automation for service providers — from service management and provisioning to customer self-service and datacenter management. It decreases the time spent on repetitive administration tasks and system maintenance allowing business to focus on growth and profits.

    Parallels outlines the steps companies should take to launch Cloud services quickly and profitably in the Cloud Service Provider Blueprint, a free roadmap for any company offering services located in the Cloud.

    About Parallels

    Parallels is a worldwide leader in hosting and cloud service enablement and desktop virtualization. Founded in 1999, Parallels is a fast-growing company with more than 700 employees in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, please visit, follow us on Twitter at and or read the Parallels Cloud Service Provider blog at

    About MXSweep

    MXSweep is a global provider of SaaS internet security & compliance services including email security & encryption, email content control & compliance, email disaster recovery, email & file archiving, web and mobile security to SME, corporate and public sector customers. Our cloud services are provided via SaaS distributors and resellers through our online SaaS provisioning and billing platforms. MXSweep provides our partners with a powerful commercial offering, a simple entry point into the fastest growing SaaS markets and our customers with business critical services requiring no upfront investment or commitment. For further information please visit

    Press Contacts:

    Naylla Kassam

    Marketing Manager ? MXSweep

    Tel : +353 86 2269439


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