Saturday, June 29, 2013

Apple tweaks Purchased tab in iPad App Store, now lets you view purchased apps alphabetically

Apple tweaks Purchased tab in iPad App Store, now lets you view purchased apps alphabetically

Apple recently made a small change to the Purchased tab in the App Store on the iPad, allowing users to view their purchased apps not just chronologically, but alphabetically.

Select any given letter from the left-hand side of the Purchased tab to find the results you're looking for. Tap the clock above the letter "A" in order to switch back to a chronological view of all of your apps. Viewing items alphabetically still allows you to see both all of your apps, or just those that are not on your iPad.

The old way was a huge pain, the new way much better. Let's hope this is the kind of thing Apple keeps improving.

Thanks: Balazs



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Cavs coach Mike Brown said Bennett will have to compete for playing time

INDEPENDENCE ? No. 1 overall draft pick Anthony Bennett and young Cavaliers veteran Tristan Thompson are both from Toronto and both play power forward.

Coach Mike Brown doesn?t care.

?They?ve got to go out and compete,? Brown said Friday afternoon during Bennett?s introductory press conference at Cleveland Clinic Courts. ?They?re both competitors.

?They might be buddies, but at the end of the day, when they cross that line, they?ve got to get after it, not only to make themselves better as individuals, but to make the team better.?

Thompson, the No. 4 overall pick in 2011, looked like a possible bust as a rookie, but came on strong in 2012-13 when Anderson Varejao went down with an injury a third of the way through the season.

The long-limbed, 6-foot-9 left-hander, who is not a close friend of Bennett?s, wound up averaging 11.7 points and 9.4 rebounds. He also developed an unorthodox but highly effective right-handed push shot from 10 to 12 feet while appearing in all 82 games and shooting .488 from the field and .608 at the line.

?We?re going to become best friends,? Bennett said. ?He?s my go-to guy because he?s from Canada.?

Bennett, who is 6-7 or 6-8 depending on who is asked and currently heavier than his listed 240 pounds, is a much better shooter than Thompson and can put the ball on the floor a bit, but the knock on him is he?s a bit of a tweener (too small for power forward and not athletic enough to play small forward).

General manager Chris Grant said Thursday night after drafting the UNLV freshman that Bennett could see some time at small forward, but confirmed his best and most natural position is power forward.

That?s OK with Brown, who loves competition in practice.

?It?s great to be able to have depth in all areas on the floor,? the second-time Cavs coach said. ?Anthony is a guy who has definitely added that for us.

?I like the fact he is versatile. He?s different than the bigs we have, so we can use him in a lot of different ways.?

Bennett averaged 16.1 points and 8.1 rebounds in his one season at UNLV, where he earned first-team All-Mountain West Conference honors.

Not bad, considering he didn?t start to embrace the game until he was a teenager.

?I was just playing around, wasting time,? said Bennett, adding he started taking the game more seriously when his family moved from Toronto to Brampton, an undeveloped suburb.

?I just started growing. Everybody was like, ?You should play basketball.? I was like, ?All right, I?ll give it a shot.? Look at me now.?

Bennett didn?t look much taller than 6-6 Arizona State swingman and No. 33 pick Carrick Felix when they stood side by side at the press conference, but the 20-year-old?s long arms, strength and offensive skills made him a dominant player in college.

?I?m versatile,? he said. ?I can go inside and out. I can rebound. I?m unselfish. I don?t play with agendas. I just want to help the team get wins.

?The one point of my game I need to get better at is defense.?

Bennett will have to do that under Brown, as will No. 19 overall pick Sergey Karasev (6-8, 202), a 19-year-old swingman who was not at Cleveland Clinic Courts because he returned to his native Russia for a game.

Brown, who coached the Cavs for five seasons before being fired in 2010, preaches defense first, second and third, as his newest players will quickly learn.

Asked about Bennett and Karasev?s lack of prowess in that area, Brown referenced two former Cleveland players also not noted for their abilities on that end of the floor.

?I?m not trying to throw these guys under the bus ? I?d say it to their face,? the coach said. ?We had Damon Jones and Donyell Marshall here and we were one of the top defensive teams in the league.?

After the laughter had subsided, he added, ?These guys will figure out how to get on the floor. If they can?t figure out they?ve got to play defense, they?ll be doing what they?re doing now (sitting next to the coach).?

Contact Rick Noland at (330) 721-4061 or Fan him on Facebook and follow him @RickNoland on Twitter.


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    Saturday, June 8, 2013

    Mapping the brain: Researchers use signals from natural movements to identify brain regions

    June 6, 2013 ? Whether we run to catch a bus or reach for a pen: Activities that involve the use of muscles are related to very specific areas in the brain. Traditionally, their exact location has only been determined through electrical stimulation or unnatural, experimental tasks. A team of scientists in Freiburg has now succeeded for the first time in mapping the brain's surface using measurements of everyday movements.

    Attributing abilities to specific brain regions and identifying pathological areas is especially important in the treatment of epilepsy patients, as severe cases require removal of neural tissue. Until now, such "mapping" involved stimulating individual regions of the brain's surface with electric currents and observing the reaction or sensation. Alternatively, patients were asked to perform the same movements again and again until the physicians isolated the corresponding patterns in brain activity. However, these methods required for the patient to cooperate and to provide detailed answers to the physicians' questions. This is a prerequisite that small children or patients with impaired mental abilities can hardly meet, and hence there is a need for other strategies

    Scientists from the group of Dr. Tonio Ball at the Cluster of Excellence "BrainLinks-BrainTools" and the Bernstein Center Freiburg report in the current issue of NeuroImage that the brain's natural activity during everyday movements can also be used to reliably identify the regions responsible for arm and leg movements.

    The researchers examined data from epilepsy patients who had electrodes implanted under their skull prior to surgery. Using video recordings, the team captured the spontaneous movements of their patients, searching for concurrent signals of a certain frequency in the data gathered on the surface of the brain. They succeeded in creating a map of the brain's surface for arm and leg movements that is as accurate as those created through established experimental methods. A big hope for the team of researchers is also to gain new insights into the control of movements in the brain, as their method allows them to explore all manner of behaviors and is no longer limited to experimental conditions. Last but not least, the scientists explain that this new method of analyzing signals from the brain will contribute to the development of brain-machine interfaces that are suitable for daily use.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t Freiburg.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Johanna Ruescher, Olga Iljina, Dirk-Matthias Altenm?ller, Ad Aertsen, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Tonio Ball. Somatotopic mapping of natural upper- and lower-extremity movements and speech production with high gamma electrocorticography. NeuroImage, 2013; 81: 164 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.102

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.


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    Friday, June 7, 2013

    Google Debuts Box Office Prediction Algorithm

    Google appears to be getting into the business of predicting the box-office performance of movies as much as four weeks ahead of their release dates.

    In a blog post on Thursday from Andrea Chen, Google's principal industry analyst, media and entertainment, the giant Internet company announced results of a study it calls "Quantifying Movie Magic with Google Search." In a nutshell, Chen says Google can use search volume to predict with remarkable accuracy the success of upcoming movies.

    PHOTOS: 26 of Summer's Most Anticipated Movies: 'Man of Steel,' 'Wolverine,' 'The Lone Ranger'

    Four weeks out, Google looks at search volume for a film's trailer, factors in other information, like franchise status and seasonality, and can predict opening weekend box office revenue with 94 percent accuracy, Chen boasts.

    To predict within one week out, Google uses search volume for a film's title rather than its trailer and combines it with data such as theater counts in order to make a prediction that is 92 percent accurate.

    "In the seven-day window prior to a film's release date, if a film receives 250,000 search queries more than a similar film, the film with more queries is likely to perform up to $4.3 million better during opening weekend," Chen says in her blog posting. "When looking at search ad click volume, if a film has 20,000 more paid clicks than a similar film, it is expected to bring in up to $7.5 million more during opening weekend."

    Google has also developed a formula -- also primarily based on search volume -- that predicts how movies will perform the week following their opening weekend, and says it boasts an accuracy rate of 90 percent.

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    Google hasn't yet said what it intends on doing with its newfound predictive powers, though insiders say it can be used by film studios to better market their films. Google doesn't plan on selling its data, but sharing it with clients, they say.

    Google's study -- what it calls a "Google Whitepaper" -- uses data it collected on the 99 top films of 2012.

    "On average, moviegoers consult 13 sources before they make a decision about what movie to see," according to the Whitepaper. "This active research and engagement is reflected in search query volume as well. Although the number of titles released declined 9 percent in 2012 vs. 2011, movie searches on Google are up 56 percent in this same period."



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