Monday, June 11, 2012

PFT: Flynn-Jackson competition close, WR says


As we take this operation to the next level, we do it with a guy who brings some real credibility to the table.

That won?t last very long once he starts working with me.

Regardless, I?m happy and proud and plenty of other positive emotions to announce that Darin Gantt has joined the PFT family.

Darin covered the Panthers for 14 years with the Rock Hill Herald.? He has accepted an offer from us likely notwithstanding the pointed advice of his wife and two children.

Then again, this won?t be the first time Darin has associated with shady characters.? That?s Darin on the left in the photo accompanying this item, covering the Rae Carruth case.? (Or maybe that?s Steve Buscemi?s good-looking brother.? Then again, any brother of Steve Buscemi would be his good-looking brother.)

Anyway, Darin got his training at Appalachian State University, which means that one of my first orders of business will be to ensure that Darin follows a slightly more accomplished NCAA football program.

?This is exciting for me,? Gantt said. ?The fact Florio roots for that college team I refer to as ?The Other Mountaineers,? diminishes that excitement only marginally.? Hopefully he doesn?t set fire to my furniture.?

Obviously, it?s going to take some work.

With the help of our partners at NBC, Darin emerged from a pool of hundreds (OK, dozens . . . OK, five) to climb into the boat and grab an oar.

Actually, I?m exaggerating.? We?ve been inundated with applications and inquiries by folks who either are in or want to get into the business.? We appreciate the high level of interest, and we could be looking again soon.? (That?s ?soon? . . . not ?now? . . . so, please, no more emails.)

For now, it was a no-brainer to bring Darin aboard.? We?ve cited his work regularly here, his writing is more engaging that a bowl of unflavored gelatin (sorry to set the bar so high, Darin), and he has a vote on the Hall of Fame selection committee.

That?s right, folks.? Darin Gantt brings to PFT a vote on the Hall of Fame.

I know what you?re thinking.? Does the fact that one or our writers has a Hall of Fame vote mean that I will stop complaining about the selection process?? Check back with me after the next time they select a new class of inductees.

Hopefully Darin won?t be setting fire to any of my furniture.

Until then, give Darin a welcome in the comments, and follow him on Twitter.

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