Thursday, July 19, 2012

TaxProf Blog: Goodbye Lawyer, Hello Legal Workflow and Process ...

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July 18, 2012

Goodbye Lawyer, Hello Legal Workflow and Process Analyst

Legal Futures:? Goodbye Lawyer, Hello Legal Workflow and Process Analyst:

Innovative legal businesses such as Riverview Law, Co-operative Legal Services and Parabis are demanding a new approach to educating and training new lawyers as they create different roles for them, such as project management and data analysis.

Speaking at last week?s Legal Education and Training Review Symposium in Manchester, Karl Chapman ? chief executive of Riverview Law ? said he would not employ many lawyers currently available because they do not have the right skills. ?They cannot do what?s required in a customer service environment,? he explained.

Riverview is creating a host of new roles ? all of which he said need some degree of legal knowledge ? such as project managers, scoping and pricing analysts, management information and data analysts, knowledge management specialists and client managers. ?Some of best people we?ve got are senior lawyers doing legal workflow and process analysis,? he added. ...

The new roles being created by these businesses are evidence for the predictions of Professor Richard Susskind of how legal jobs will develop in a technology enabled future.

July 18, 2012 in Legal Education | Permalink


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My firm's director of legal services (essentially merged customer service and caseflow coordinator positions) is a non-attorney. Our clients are happier and so are our attorneys who report to her.

It is difficult to figure out where we would have have found an attorney with the needed skill set.

Posted by: Offshore Attorney | Jul 19, 2012 7:16:01 AM

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