Monday, December 3, 2012

Importance Of Communication In Relationships - Ayushveda

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Importance Of Communication In Relationships The way in which we express our feelings, thoughts, viewpoints and opinions and interact with any other human being is called Communication. Any relationship requires communication to survive as we humans cannot live without talking, interacting and expressing ourselves to our loved ones, our relatives and society in general.

It allows us to share our interests and concerns, helps one to support another, forming the very basis of a relationship.?There is no point of a relationship between two individuals, be it between a parent and child or a husband and wife if they cannot tell each other what they feel and share everything through words, writing, signals and other such mediums of communication. People who are close to us, like our family and friends are the ones we communicate more while we keep limited communication with the outside world like that in our work place, social organizations and so on.

Good and continuous communication between two people is an important thing, as this forms the soul of the relationship. Major fights and arguments can take place if two people do not communicate or communicate with each other in a harsh and hostile manner. It is possible that one of the persons says something while the other interprets it differently thus leading to misunderstandings and hatred for each other. Thus we see that in order to make a relationship work and last forever, the two individuals need to communicate, love and respect each other.

Important Communication Skills for Every Relationship

Small Gestures

In any relationship, small gestures and caring words can make a lot of difference. Saying good morning to your spouse after waking up or responding immediately with a simple yes or no when your parents or siblings ask you something are some kinds of small and short interactions that are able to make a whole lot of difference which we fail to understand. If you pay heed to what the people in your life have to say by taking out a minute from your busy schedule, giving them their deserved attention and respect, it can really strengthen your relationship to a great extent.

Communicate Your True Feelings

A very common and major mistake that individuals make is that of hiding their true feelings and opinions when communicating with their loved ones with the fear that they might disappoint or anger them. It is very important to say what you truly feel. No matter how close you are to someone or how much you love them, it is not possible for anyone to read your mind and understand what you have to say until and unless you actually say it. Less communication or false statements may cause problems and misunderstandings which can result in fights, arguments and confusion.

Importance Of Communication In Relationships

When you are talking to someone, it is a good idea to first reconcile your thoughts and think what you want to say, in your mind. Be clear about everything when communicating and say things in such a manner that you do not offend the other person or hurt the other person?s feelings. A good way of starting a conversation is by talking about something positive which may be in favor of the other person. In this way, you are able to grasp the attention of the other person, make them feel special and wanted and also say what you actually want to say.

Also Read

5 Ways of Building Healthier Communication in Relationship
Communication- Key To A Successful Relationship?
How Communication in Marriage Can Improve Relationship
How to Improve Communication Skills

Listen to What Others have to Say

Good communication with your loved and dear ones doesn?t necessarily mean only saying what you feel and ending the conversation. A very important part of communicating involves listening to what the other person has to say. If you prove to be a good listener, the other person will feel comfortable and will be able to talk to you freely and honestly. Also, he will take interest in what you have to say if you have respected his thoughts earlier.

By keeping continuous eye contact, showing interest in what they are saying, making your body language relaxed, sitting with your face towards your spouse or any person whom you?re talking to and not making any disturbing motions are some simple ways in which you can be a good listener and make the other person feel that you are actually listening and paying attention to what they have to say. After the communication gets over, you should always ask questions or clear any doubts with the other person as this will result in clearing off misunderstandings or wrong interpretation from either side.

Ways to Improve Communication

There is a possibility that there are problems or differences in a relationship which can lead to strained or less communication. There is always a chance to improve or better the relationship with the help of good communication and actions which show that you genuinely care for the other person. There are many ways in which you can improvise on the quality of communication you have with the people in your lives, especially those who are close to you and are an important part of your life.

Importance Of Communication In Relationships

The first and foremost thing that one needs to do in order to improve communication is by asking himself what are the areas of conflict that result in fights or differences. Next, you need to understand why these conflicts arise and try to avoid such conversations or situations which may result in such conflicts.

Next, you must identify topics which make the other person happy and encourage communication on those lines. Discussions which can disappoint the other person or make him unhappy should be avoided as much as possible. If you are unable to completely avoid it, you should try to say things in such a way that you communicate your point of view and at the same time do not hurt the other person.

Communication is a very essential part of any relationship without which the love, affection and closeness that any two people share is incomplete. It is in our hands, how we communicate with the people in our lives showing them that we care for them and love them and mould the relationship in such a way that it stays special all our lives without any differences or problems.

Importance Of Communication In Relationships, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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