Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Seller keeps delaying closing. - Zillow Real Estate Advice

Thank you both for the response. I have a contract rider (alterations made by both parties' attorneys) with a line in it that says: "Line 62 of the contract shall be modified to provide that the closing shall be 30 days after Buyer's attorney provides Seller's attorney with written notice that the mortgage contingency period has either been satisfied or waived."?

Line 62 of the contract says: "The closing will take place on or before November 26, 2012 at the office of the Buyer's Attorney or such other place as the Seller and Buyer may agree." Which was later modified to December 15, 2012 after Hurricane Sandy.?

I received my Commitment Letter on December 16th 2012 after yet another delay.

I also plan on speaking with my attorney tomorrow morning, but I'm getting anxious and would like to have some answers now. My realtor seems to think the Seller has secured an apartment for Feb 1 and are trying to delay as best they can and also suggested that we file a Time of Essence this week, but that would still push us to the end of the month. Thanks again for any advice!

Source: http://www.zillow.com/advice-thread/Seller-keeps-delaying-closing/474229/

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