Monday, December 31, 2012

Battle of the Business Class Flights - New Girl in the Air

After much deliberation, I booked business class award tickets for my trip to Morocco. ?I had a really hard time deciding between coach & business class (after all, that 20,000-mile premium would buy me a reduced mileage award making the opportunity cost pretty high), and in the end, I?m glad I chose business class?if only to satisfy my curiosity and confirm my suspicions that from now on, coach will be adequate for all my European travel.

Moroccan Marvels

  1. Booking Award Flights to Morocco
  2. Battle of the Business Class Flights
  3. Stopovers: Take ?Em or Leave ?Em?
  4. Morocco in a Nutshell
  5. Sensory Overload in the Marrakech Medina
  6. A Suggested Two-Week Itinerary for Morocco
  7. My New Favorite Hotel
  8. The Best Aspects of my Hotel Stays
  9. Giving Madrid a Second Chance

I?m not much of a fan of photos of hot towels or bowls of nuts, so I?ll save your sanity by not giving you the minute-by-minute report on my flights. ?If you?ve got specific questions, though, ask away. ?Instead, I?ll be assigning a winner to each aspect of my flight to give an overview of three airlines in one post. ?This isn?t exactly a fair competition since I didn?t have equal routings on each airline, so keep that in mind.

I flew American Airlines on my overnight transatlantic flight from New York to London, British Airways on a roughly 3.5-hour flight from London to Marrakech (considered ?intra-European? service), and Iberia Airlines on my daytime transatlantic flight from Madrid to New York.

Best Lounge

Winner: Iberia Airlines

Over the course of our trip, we tried the Admirals? Club in JFK, the British Airways lounge at London Gatwick, and the Iberia Velazquez lounge in Madrid. ?While I was thrilled with the speed of wi-fi at JFK and enjoyed the food options at LGW, Iberia had the full package. ?In addition to a decent buffet of snacks and light meals, plentiful drink options, free wifi, there were also computers and printers for use, showers, TVs in some areas, and bests of all, a relaxation/nap room that looked like I might actually want to use it on a layover.

Best Seat

Winner: American Airlines

The problem with reading too many trip reports before going on vacation is that you go into your travels with a pre-conceived notion of what to expect. ?I?ve never flown international business class in my life and assumed I was in trouble from the outright because American Airlines has angled-flat seats. ?In reality, I had no problems sleeping on AA?s seats at all and would consider another angled-flat seat in the future. ? Iberia?s lie-flats were also fine and I?d happily recommend them, but there was something about AA?s pre-set ?position #1? that cradled me so comfortably while not sleeping that AA wins. ?Sorry, British Airways, but your short-haul seating didn?t stand a chance in this category.

The Winning Seat

Best Service

Winner: British Airways

British Airways was the only airline that seemed to have genuine, friendly service on my flights. ?Iberia was great with frequent service but a bit robotic. ?American had downright snarly and inattentive service to the point of frustration. ?Our attendant on British Airways, Emma, was more than happy to help out with any request and was the perfect example of service with a smile, helping to make our short flight fly by. ?I was surprised to see that even on our short flight we were provided hot towels before our meal, pillows, blankets, and more.

Best Food

Winner: British Airways

I really expected Iberia to be the winner of this category with its Spanish cuisine, but British Airways won the best food category by a landslide. ?Ironically, they were out of the beef stroganoff option I intended on ordering for lunch and I was ?stuck? with the lamb dopiaza, which turned out to be fantastic. ?No, it didn?t look appetizing. ?No, I didn?t think I?d be happy eating lamb and lentils before spending time in Morocco eating?more lamb and lentils?but it was really quite delicious. ?No, it wasn?t a multi-course affair like on AA or Iberia, but a simple, quality meal beats a poorly-executed fancy meal any day in my book.

Hard to go wrong with lamb and beer

Best Drinks

Winner: Iberia Airlines

Fact: It is impossible to drink quickly enough to keep up with Iberia?s drink service without floating away. ?I tried, my husband tried, and we both failed. ?I started with a flute of pre-departure cava and went on from there to wine, water, wine,?dessert wine, coffee, wine, a gin and tonic (except they didn?t leave room for the tonic!), wine, and just to round things out, a final glass of wine before landing. ?And that?s after the self-serve bar in the lounge? ?They win on quality, too, not just quantity, completely beating out AA?s stingy drink service and BA?s boring options.

Cava was just the beginning...

Best Entertainment

Winner: American Airlines

Poor British Airways? short-haul service didn?t stand a chance against seatback options with both AA and Iberia. ?AA?s selection of movies and TV shows was larger and exactly suited to my preferences, meaning I had more to choose from than I had time. ?On the flipside, Iberia had exactly one movie that appealed to me, leaving a lot of free time to entertain myself on an eight-hour flight. ?Additionally, American Airlines offers noise-cancelling headphones for your use during the flight, making it even easier to enjoy that entertainment.

Best Amenity Kit

Winner: American Airlines

On long flights, a few amenities can really make a difference in your comfort, so I really appreciated that both American and Iberia offered amenity kits so I didn?t have to dig through my bag to find my own personal items. ?Both were completely adequate, with standard items like moisturizer, lip balm, toothbrush & toothpaste, eye shade, ear plugs, socks, refreshing towlette, and comb. ?So why does AA win? ?For one thing, I?m biased to the American brands they used (like Colgate toothpaste), but they also had a nicer bag and scored bonus points for including a pen and tissues.

I?m not going to declare an overall winner, though based on my short experience with British Airways, I think they?d have a fantastic transatlantic service once you factor in an internationally-configured seating arrangement rather than their short-haul product. ?Iberia was also a surprisingly pleasant experience despite the age and condition of their aircraft, though given their limited entertainment options, I might recommend that one particularly for any overnight segments. ?Unfortunately, I think I had bad luck with American Airlines simply due to my flight attendant having a bad day (or at least, I?ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she?s normally more attentive), so I?d be willing to give them another chance since there were certainly parts of the experience I enjoyed.

All in all, my next European adventure will be in coach, but I did enjoy having some more room to spread out so maybe another business-class flight will be in my future for more distant regions of the world?we?ll see what 2013 brings!


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AP IMPACT: Al-Qaida carves out own country in Mali

FILE - In this Sept. 16, 2012 file photo, fighters from Islamist group Ansar Dine leave after performing a public amputation, severing the hand of a young man found guilty of stealing rice, in Timbuktu, Mali. In recent months, al-Qaida and its allies have taken advantage of political instability within Mali to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory which they are using to stock arms, train forces and prepare for global jihad. And as 2012 draws to a close and the world hesitates, delaying a military intervention, the extremists who seized control of the area earlier this year are preparing for a war they boast will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/File)

FILE - In this Sept. 16, 2012 file photo, fighters from Islamist group Ansar Dine leave after performing a public amputation, severing the hand of a young man found guilty of stealing rice, in Timbuktu, Mali. In recent months, al-Qaida and its allies have taken advantage of political instability within Mali to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory which they are using to stock arms, train forces and prepare for global jihad. And as 2012 draws to a close and the world hesitates, delaying a military intervention, the extremists who seized control of the area earlier this year are preparing for a war they boast will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/File)

FILE - In this Aug. 31, 2012 file photo, fighters from Islamist group Ansar Dine stand guard in Timbuktu, Mali, as they prepare to publicly lash a member of the Islamic Police found guilty of adultery. In recent months, al-Qaida and its allies have taken advantage of political instability within Mali to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory which they are using to stock arms, train forces and prepare for global jihad. And as 2012 draws to a close and the world hesitates, delaying a military intervention, the extremists who seized control of the area earlier this year are preparing for a war they boast will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/File)

FILE - In this April 24, 2012 file photo, fighters from Islamist group Ansar Dine stand guard during a hostage handover in the desert outside Timbuktu, Mali. In recent months, al-Qaida and its allies have taken advantage of political instability within Mali to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory which they are using to stock arms, train forces and prepare for global jihad. And as 2012 draws to a close and the world hesitates, delaying a military intervention, the extremists who seized control of the area earlier this year are preparing for a war they boast will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/File)

Map locates Mali and key sites in northern Mali

In this Oct. 19, 2012 photo, men pray beside the tombs of locally venerated Islamic saints, whose mausoleums were destroyed by Islamist group Ansar Dine, in Timbuktu, Mali. In recent months, al-Qaida and its allies have taken advantage of political instability within Mali to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory which they are using to stock arms, train forces and prepare for global jihad. And as 2012 draws to a close and the world hesitates, delaying a military intervention, the extremists who seized control of the area earlier this year are preparing for a war they boast will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan. (AP Photo)

(AP) ? Deep inside caves, in remote desert bases, in the escarpments and cliff faces of northern Mali, Islamic fighters are burrowing into the earth, erecting a formidable set of defenses to protect what has essentially become al-Qaida's new country.

They have used the bulldozers, earth movers and Caterpillar machines left behind by fleeing construction crews to dig what residents and local officials describe as an elaborate network of tunnels, trenches, shafts and ramparts. In just one case, inside a cave large enough to drive trucks into, they have stored up to 100 drums of gasoline, guaranteeing their fuel supply in the face of a foreign intervention, according to experts.

Northern Mali is now the biggest territory held by al-Qaida and its allies. And as the world hesitates, delaying a military intervention, the extremists who seized control of the area earlier this year are preparing for a war they boast will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan.

"Al-Qaida never owned Afghanistan," said former United Nations diplomat Robert Fowler, a Canadian kidnapped and held for 130 days by al-Qaida's local chapter, whose fighters now control the main cities in the north. "They do own northern Mali."

Al-Qaida's affiliate in Africa has been a shadowy presence for years in the forests and deserts of Mali, a country hobbled by poverty and a relentless cycle of hunger. In recent months, the terror syndicate and its allies have taken advantage of political instability within the country to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory which they are using to stock arms, train forces and prepare for global jihad.

The catalyst for the Islamic fighters was a military coup nine months ago that transformed Mali from a once-stable nation to the failed state it is today. On March 21, disgruntled soldiers invaded the presidential palace. The fall of the nation's democratically elected government at the hands of junior officers destroyed the military's command-and-control structure, creating the vacuum which allowed a mix of rebel groups to move in.

With no clear instructions from their higher-ups, the humiliated soldiers left to defend those towns tore off their uniforms, piled into trucks and beat a retreat as far as Mopti, roughly in the center of Mali. They abandoned everything north of this town to the advancing rebels, handing them an area that stretches over more than 620,000 square kilometers (240,000 square miles). It's a territory larger than Texas or France ? and it's almost exactly the size of Afghanistan.

Turbaned fighters now control all the major towns in the north, carrying out amputations in public squares like the Taliban did. Just as in Afghanistan, they are flogging women for not covering up. Since taking control of Timbuktu, they have destroyed seven of the 16 mausoleums listed as world heritage sites.

The area under their rule is mostly desert and sparsely populated, but analysts say that due to its size and the hostile nature of the terrain, rooting out the extremists here could prove even more difficult than it did in Afghanistan. Mali's former president has acknowledged, diplomatic cables show, that the country cannot patrol a frontier twice the length of the border between the United States and Mexico.

Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, known as AQIM, operates not just in Mali, but in a corridor along much of the northern Sahel. This 7,000-kilometer (4,300-mile) long ribbon of land runs across the widest part of Africa, and includes sections of Mauritania, Niger, Algeria, Libya, Burkina Faso and Chad.

"One could come up with a conceivable containment strategy for the Swat Valley," said Africa expert Peter Pham, an adviser to the U.S. military's African command center, referring to the region of Pakistan where the Pakistan Taliban have been based. "There's no containment strategy for the Sahel, which runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea."

Earlier this year, the 15 nations in West Africa, including Mali, agreed on a proposal for the military to take back the north, and sought backing from the United Nations. Earlier this month, the Security Council authorized the intervention but imposed certain conditions, including training Mali's military, which is accused of serious human rights abuses since the coup. Diplomats say the intervention will likely not happen before September of 2013.

In the meantime, the Islamists are getting ready, according to elected officials and residents in Kidal, Timbuktu and Gao, including a day laborer hired by al-Qaida's local chapter to clear rocks and debris for one of their defenses. They spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear for their safety at the hands of the Islamists, who have previously accused those who speak to reporters of espionage.

The al-Qaida affiliate, which became part of the terror network in 2006, is one of three Islamist groups in northern Mali. The others are the Movement for the Unity and Jihad in West Africa, or MUJAO, based in Gao, and Ansar Dine, based in Kidal. Analysts agree that there is considerable overlap between the groups, and that all three can be considered sympathizers, even extensions, of al-Qaida.

The Islamic fighters have stolen equipment from construction companies, including more than $11 million worth from a French company called SOGEA-SATOM, according to Elie Arama, who works with the European Development Fund. The company had been contracted to build a European Union-financed highway in the north between Timbuktu and the village of Goma Coura. An employee of SOGEA-SATOM in Bamako declined to comment.

The official from Kidal said his constituents have reported seeing Islamic fighters with construction equipment riding in convoys behind 4-by-4 trucks draped with their signature black flag. His contacts among the fighters, including friends from secondary school, have told him they have created two bases, around 200 to 300 kilometers (120 and 180 miles) north of Kidal, in the austere, rocky desert.

The first base is occupied by al-Qaida's local fighters in the hills of Teghergharte, a region the official compared to Afghanistan's Tora Bora.

"The Islamists have dug tunnels, made roads, they've brought in generators, and solar panels in order to have electricity," he said. "They live inside the rocks."

Still further north, near Boghassa, is the second base, created by fighters from Ansar Dine. They too have used seized explosives, bulldozers and sledgehammers to make passages in the hills, he said.

In addition to creating defenses, the fighters are amassing supplies, experts said. A local who was taken by Islamists into a cave in the region of Kidal described an enormous room, where several cars were parked. Along the walls, he counted up to 100 barrels of gasoline, according to the man's testimony to New York-based Human Rights Watch.

In Timbuktu, the fighters are becoming more entrenched with each passing day, warned Mayor Ousmane Halle. Earlier in the year, he said, the Islamists left his city in a hurry after France called for an imminent military intervention. They returned when the U.N. released a report arguing for a more cautious approach.

"At first you could see that they were anxious," said Halle by telephone. "The more the date is pushed back, the more reinforcements they are able to get, the more prepared they become."

In the regional capital of Gao, a young man told The Associated Press that he and several others were offered 10,000 francs a day by al-Qaida's local commanders (around $20), a rate several times the normal wage, to clear rocks and debris, and dig trenches. The youth said he saw Caterpillars and earth movers inside an Islamist camp at a former Malian military base 7 kilometers (4 miles) from Gao.

The fighters are piling mountains of sand from the ground along the dirt roads to force cars onto the pavement, where they have checkpoints everywhere, he said. In addition, they are modifying their all-terrain vehicles to mount them with arms.

"On the backs of their cars, it looks like they are mounting pipes," he said, describing a shape he thinks might be a rocket or missile launcher. "They are preparing themselves. Everyone is scared."

A university student from Gao confirmed seeing the modified cars. He said he also saw deep holes dug on the sides of the highway, possibly to give protection to fighters shooting at cars, along with cement barriers with small holes for guns.

In Gao, residents routinely see Moktar Belmoktar, the one-eyed emir of the al-Qaida-linked cell that grabbed Fowler in 2008. Belmoktar, a native Algerian, traveled to Afghanistan in the 1980s and trained in Osama bin Laden's camp in Jalalabad, according to research by the Jamestown Foundation. His lieutenant Oumar Ould Hamaha, whom Fowler identified as one of his captors, brushed off questions about the tunnels and caves but said the fighters are prepared.

"We consider this land our land. It's an Islamic territory," he said, reached by telephone in an undisclosed location. "Right now our field of operation is Mali. If they bomb us, we are going to hit back everywhere."

He added that the threat of military intervention has helped recruit new fighters, including from Western countries.

In December, two U.S. citizens from Alabama were arrested on terrorism charges, accused of planning to fly to Morocco and travel by land to Mali to wage jihad, or holy war. Two French nationals have also been detained on suspicion of trying to travel to northern Mali to join the Islamists. Hamaha himself said he spent a month in France preaching his fundamentalist version of Islam in Parisian mosques after receiving a visa for all European Union countries in 2001.

Hamaha indicated the Islamists have inherited stores of Russian-made arms from former Malian army bases, as well as from the arsenal of toppled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, a claim that military experts have confirmed.

Those weapons include the SA-7 and SA-2 surface-to-air missiles, according to Hamaha, which can shoot down aircrafts. His claim could not be verified, but Rudolph Atallah, the former counterterrorism director for Africa in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, said it makes sense.

"Gadhafi bought everything under the sun," said Atallah, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel, who has traveled extensively to Mali on defense missions. "His weapons depots were packed with all kinds of stuff, so it's plausible that AQIM now has surface-to-air missiles."

Depending on the model, these missiles can range far enough to bring down planes used by ill-equipped African air forces, although not those used by U.S. and other Western forces, he said. There is significant disagreement in the international community on whether Western countries with their better equipment will carry out the planned bombardments, which could significantly affect the outcome.

Another factor in the success of a military intervention would be the reaction of the people, who, unlike in Afghanistan, have little history of extremism. Malians have long practiced a moderate form of Islam, where women do not wear burqas and few practice the strict form of the religion.

The Islamists' recent advances draw on al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb's near decade of experience in Mali's northern desert, where Fowler and his fellow U.N. colleague were held captive for four months in 2008, an experience he recounts in his recent book, "A Season in Hell."

Originally from Algeria, the fighters fled across the border into Mali in 2003, after kidnapping 32 European tourists. Over the next decade, they used the country's vast northern desert to hold French, Spanish, Swiss, German, British, Austrian, Italian and Canadian hostages, raising an estimated $89 million in ransom payments, according to Stratfor, a global intelligence company.

During this time, they also established relationships with local clans, nurturing the ties that now protect them. Several commanders have taken local wives, and Hamaha, whose family is from Kidal, confirmed that Belmoktar is married to his niece.

Fowler described being driven for days by jihadists who knew Mali's featureless terrain by heart, navigating valleys of identical dunes with nothing more than the direction of the sun as their map. He saw them drive up to a thorn tree in the middle of nowhere to find barrels of diesel fuel. Elsewhere, he saw them dig a pit in the sand and bury a bag of boots, marking the spot on a GPS for future use.

In his four-month-long captivity, Fowler never saw his captors refill at a gas station, or shop in a market. Yet they never ran out of gas. And although their diet was meager, they never ran out of food, a testament to the extensive supply network which they set up and are now refining and expanding.

Among the many challenges an invading army will face is the inhospitable terrain, Fowler said, which is so hot that at times "it was difficult to draw breath." A cable published by WikiLeaks from the U.S. Embassy in Bamako described how even the Malian troops deployed in the north before the coup could only work from 4 a.m. to 10 a.m., and spent the sunlight hours in the shade of their vehicles.

Yet Fowler said he saw al-Qaida fighters chant Quranic verses under the Sahara sun for hours, just one sign of their deep, ideological commitment.

"I have never seen a more focused group of young men," said Fowler, who now lives in Ottawa, Canada. "No one is sneaking off for R&R. They have left their wives and children behind. They believe they are on their way to paradise."


Associated Press writer Baba Ahmed contributed to this report from Bamako and Mopti, Mali.


Rukmini Callimachi can be reached at

Baba Ahmed can be reached at

Associated Press


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

13 technologies you won't see in 2013

12 hrs.

It seems like only yesterday we were planning for the Maya apocalypse, but like so many other products, the 14th b?ak?tun (next era) has been delayed due to bugs and lack of pre-orders. Yet if you talked to some pundits back in 2011, they?d have told you that the end of days was coming out in Q4 of 2012, along with its competitor, BlackBerry 10.

No doubt, in 2013, several long-rumored products will come to market. However, next year won?t be the year for these 13 gadgets and technologies.

Amazon smartphone

The speculation: After its success selling Amazon-branded Android tablets, the company will launch a smartphone that puts its content front and center and encouraging you to shop wherever you go. Some have even suggested that the company will make it easy to scan prices when you're in a retail store, just so you can see if Amazon sells the item cheaper. Taiwan Economic News recently reported that Foxconn will be manufacturing the handset, which will launch in Q3 or 2013 for $100 to $200.

Why it?won't happen in 2013: Breaking into the U.S. smartphone market with any hope of success is extremely difficult for new players. The four major carriers rule their networks with an iron fist, either forcing phone vendors to go along with their software?strategies or outright rejecting products that don't meet their immediate business goals. Just ask Google, which decided to release the Nexus 4 as an unlocked device rather than deal with AT&T and Verizon. (A subsidized version is available for T-Mobile.)

From a business perspective, playing in the smartphone space makes little sense for Amazon as the company's goal is not to sell phones but to sell media and dry goods through its online store. The company already has its shopping app preloaded as crapware on many Android devices, and the company could leverage these placements in 2013 by finally bringing Amazon Instant Video to Android devices and adding a price-scanning app to the mix. Why spend money building and supporting a smartphone when you can just get users of other phones to buy the all the same products from you?

More: ?Top 10 Smartphones


The speculation:
Microsoft?will launch the next major version of Windows, codenamed "Windows Blue," as soon as spring 2013. The new OS will get at least annual updates over the air so consumers and businesses with Blue always have the latest verison of the OS.

Why it won't happen in 2013: If the rumors are true, a company that usually releases operating systems on a three-year cadence will suddenly start selling a new mainstream operating system less than a year after Windows 8?launched. And before Microsoft starts selling its next OS, it will no doubt go through months of public and developer previews as it has with Windows 7 and 8.

So, for Windows Blue to launch even as late as Q4 of 2013, Microsoft would have to announce a developer preview or public beta at the beginning of the year. With all the controversy surrounding Windows 8, news of another new Windows OS would convince users who were on the fence about upgrading to delay their purchases. Talk about Osborning yourself.

More:??8 Worst Windows 8 Annoyances and How to Fix Them

Google Nexus 4 with LTE connectivity

The speculation:
When Google released its Nexus 4 phone, users were shocked to learn that the device did not support 4G LTE, the fastest type of mobile network.?To avoid dealing with carriers and building carrier-specific versions of its handset, the company decided to go with simple HSPA support, a decision Android head Andy Rubin called a "tactical issue."?Despite Rubin's comments, some believe that Google will eventually offer an LTE version of the Nexus 4, because it provided carrier-specific LTE versions of its prior-gen phone, the Galaxy Nexus. The Nexus 4 even has a disabled LTE radio inside of it, though this radio can only support a handful of bands that most areas of the U.S. don't use.

Why it won't happen: With the Nexus 4, Google is trying to make a point about its independence from carriers. Users who want a nearly-identical phone with LTE can already buy the LG Optimus G. However, not including LTE on phones is a poor long-term strategy. I wouldn't be surprised if Google's next handset, rumored to be the Motorola X, had LTE that worked with at least a couple of the major U.S. carriers' networks.

More: ??10 Most Stylish Smartphones

Wireless charging pads hit public places

The speculation: If you've been following the news lately you might expect to see wireless charging stations?appear at all your favorite haunts in 2013. This past fall, Nokia, HTC and others released phones with Qi-standard wireless charging support built-in while. At the same time, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf announced its plan to install compatible charging pads in its tables and Virgin Atlantic said it will offer the same in its airport lounges. Jay Z also announced a partnership with Duracell to bring that company's charging mats to several New York hotspots, including his own 40/40 club. Could Starbucks, McDonald's, 7-11 and Chucky Cheese be next? Not in 2013.

Why it won't happen in 2013: While many new phones this fall support the Qi wireless charging standard, Samsung and Qualcomm have loaned their support to the competing Alliance for Wireless Power (AW4P) standard. There's nothing like a standards war to make restaurant chains invest millions in upgrading their infrastructure to support half a dozen phones, none of which is an iPhone. Don't expect to see many more public places with wireless charging until Apple picks a standard and builds support into its products.

More:??Top 6 Smartphones with Wireless Charging

Nokia's Windows tablet

The speculation:?Two years have passed since Nokia has jumped off the "burning platform" of developing its own phone OS and fully embraced Windows Phone.?So what does former Microsoft exec Stephen Elop do for a follow-up? How about releasing a tablet.

After all, Elop said the following when speaking with analysts: "From an ecosystem perspective, there are benefits and synergies that exist between Windows and Windows Phone. We see that opportunity. We'll certainly consider those opportunities going forward." According to one popular rumor, the company plans to release a Windows RT slate with a battery-powered keyboard cover early in 2013. The tablet will allegedly come with wireless 4G service from carriers such as AT&T.

Why it won't happen in 2013: Nokia has had enough difficulty gaining market share in the smartphone space and, though things seem to be looking up for the Finnish company, its Devices and Services division lost 683 million Euros in Q3. Windows RT devices like the Microsoft?Surface are by no means a proven commodity, so Nokia would be jumping onto a whole new burning platform at a time when it needs to show stability and success. I think they'll pass.

More: ?10 Best Tablets of 2012

Mobile payments become common

The speculation: If you have certain Sprint phones, today you can use Google Wallet to tap and pay at a handful of stores. On AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, you will soon be able to use a competing service called ISIS to turn your phone?into a credit card. With all this activity, you might expect that, in 2013, all the major stores would support mobile payments. Not so fast there, Ms. Kardashian.

Why it won't happen in 2013: You may see a few more stores add support for one or both payment standards, but many phones, including the iPhone, don't have the NFC chip necessary to support them. Even worse, consumers have few incentives to switch from old fashioned credit and debit cards. Forrester Research Analyst Denee Carrington recently told us that mobile payments won't catch on until at least 2015.

More:??How to Fix Mobile Payments

An Apple TV set

The speculation: Rumors of an Apple large-screen TV (aka the iTV) have been floating around for years. In late 2011, these rumors gained more credibility when Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs mentioned that the late Apple founder had plans for a TV set. In 2012, Apple CEO Tim Cook told NBC's Brian Williams that TV is "an area of intense interest" for his company. Now, many believe 2013 will be the year that Apple stops dropping hints and finally drop ships a product.

Why it won't happen in 2013: There's nothing stopping Apple from manufacturing an ordinary HDTV with iTunes and maybe some additional smart TV functions built-in. However, the company won't be content to ship that. It needs to partner with cable providers and TV networks, two very conservative groups, to offer a complete end-to-end service. It must also provide a better display than its competitors, perhaps an OLED screen that would push the price way up.

With the cable and display markets unlikely to change in the next 12 months, Apple will decide that it's better off pushing its services through an improved Apple TV set-top box, rather than getting into the TV business in 2013.

More:??Best Smart TVs of 2012

Self-driving cars

The speculation: Google has been working on a self-driving car for a couple of years now but it's not alone. Big automakers such as Ford, Cadillac and Volvo are developing their own autonomous vehicles. In the past two years, both Nevada and California have made the self-drivers street legal. Will we finally see someone selling them to the public in 2013? No.

Why it won't happen in 2013: Google's self-driving car technology is probably the closest to being ready, but the company is not an automaker and isn't likely to sell autos directly to the public. Even if one of the automakers felt it had a finished product, there are only a couple of states where drivers could use the car in its autonomous mode. With so much potential liability???just imagine the lawsuit if one of these cars caused an accident???we'll be reading about new testing and legal certifications for years before the first model hits a dealership.

More:??High-Tech Cars Go Mainstream

Motorola Droid 5

The speculation: Motorola is the king of the keyboard slider, having launched the original Droid with keyboard and then releasing three different sequels. The company's most recent entry, the Droid 4, came out last February on Verizon and launched on Sprint as the Photon 4G this past summer. If Motorola plans to continue offering keyboarded phones, it will need to release a Droid 5 some time in early 2013.

Why it won't happen: The other leading phone vendors have moved?away from QWERTY phones in recent years, either giving up on them altogether or releasing them as under-featured budget phones such as the Samsung Stratosphere. Motorola's new owner Google hasn't put keyboards on its phones and, when the company launched its flagship devices this fall, it didn't even mention physical keyboards. Sadly, it looks like Motorola won't come out with another high-end keyboard slider.

More:??The 7 Worst Smartphone Injustices and How to Fight Them

BlackBerry PlayBook 2

The speculation:
BlackBerry's PlayBook was first released in 2011, an eternity in tablet years. With the company's new BlackBerry 10 OS coming in January, some speculate that RIM will update its slate. Though the old PlayBook is still for sale, it has ancient specs like a 1024-by-600 screen and a dated design.?If RIM wants to stay in this space, it needs to release a new model. A leaked roadmap even mentions a 10-inch PlayBook code named "Blackforest."

Why it won't happen in 2013: Though the company shipped a surprisingly-high 255,000 Playbooks in Q3 of 2012, the tablet?has never been a considered a success by anyone's standards. Meanwhile, RIM is losing market share in he smartphone space and needs to buckle down and focus on its core audience: smartphone users. If the company turns its fortunes around with BlackBerry 10 phones, we may see another tablet, but not in 2013.

More:??10 Most Anticipated Features of BlackBerry 10

A Facebook phone

The speculation:
For years, we've been hearing that Facebook would release a phone of its very own.?In 2011, HTC even released the super-lame Status, a budget phone with the Facebook logo on it and some added Facebook integration. Could Facebook be planning to enter the market with a truly revolutionary handset in 2013?

Why it won't happen?in 2013:??Back in July, Mark Zuckerberg himself said that creating a phone "wouldn't make sense." To be fair, companies sometimes deny working on products that later turn out to be very real. However, in this case, you should take Zuck at his word. There's no real selling point to a Facebook phone when every phone on the market has Facebook integration. By making its own phone, Facebook might even alienate some of its partners.

More:??26 Ultimate Facebook Tips

Flexible display phones or tablets

The speculation: CNET recently reported that Samsung Electronics will be showing off bendable displays at CES 2013. With the rumored Galaxy S IV phone expected to launch this spring and the inevitable Galaxy Note III, some believe we'll see the first phones to deploy this technology.

Why it won't happen in 2013: If Samsung's electronics division is first demoing the screen at CES 2013, it won't hit commercial products for at least another year. Also, in order for the phone itself to be flexible, the entire body must bend, something that may never happen. Samsung may use the flexible displays to create phones with slightly curved screens, but that won't happen in 2013.

More:??5 Things You Need to Know About the Samsung Galaxy S IV

Google Project Glass for consumers

The speculation:
Google's Project Glass augmented reality goggles will be available as a developers kit in early 2013. If developers get their hands on the product in January or February, a full-fledged product release can't be too far behind, right?

Why it won't happen in 2013: Google co-founder Sergey Brin told Bloomberg in June that he would like to have a consumer version of Project Glass "within a year" after releasing the kit to developers. While it's always possible that the kit will come out in January and the product will ship in December, it seems unlikely that such a unique product will make its way from prototype to final that quickly. Don't expect to get your headset until 2014.

More:??Will Google Glasses Make Us Cyborgs?


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 NFL Draft: Alec Ogletree not thinking about next level

Alec Ogletree has been a wrecking crew all year and isn't ready to move on just yet from Georgia.

Alec Ogletree is one of the best defensive players in college football and would certainly be a first-round pick if he decided to declare for the 2013 NFL Draft.

However, Ogletree isn't ready to commit to anything, saying he hasn't come to that point in the road yet, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"Right now I?m still focusing on this season," said Ogletree, who averaged nearly 11 tackles per game the second half of the season. "I?ve got the rest of this week to go, then I?ll talk to my parents about whatever I?m going to do after the bowl game, then make a decision . . . I?m here right now and that?s all I?m worried about."

Ogletree has been one of the key members of Georgia's dominant defense along with Jarvis Jones, forming a devastating linebacker corps.

At this point, Ogletree is considered somewhat of a sure bet to move onto the next level, but the junior is currently just focused on bringing the Capital One Bowl trophy back to Athens with him.

Ogletree has yet to ask the NFL Draft Advisory Board for an evaluation, something that is customary for any player getting ready to enter the draft. The junior still has a few weeks to make his decision and a game left to play.

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The Financial Aid Handbook: Getting the Education You Want for the ...

The Financial Aid Handbook: Getting the Education You Want for the Price You Can Afford
Carol Stack is the former Director of Admissions at Macalester College and Augsburg College. For the past 15 years, Stack has worked as a principal at Hardwick-Day, an enrollment consulting firm that works with the admissions and financial aid offices of private colleges and universities. Through Hardwick-Day, she has consulted on financial aid policy at dozens of colleges, including Whittier, Grinnell, Mills, Randolph-Macon, and Xavier University.Ruth Vedvik has held the position of Director of Admissions at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Ball State University, and Agnes Scott College. For the past 9 years, Vedvik has worked as a principal at Hardwick-Day, an enrollment consulting firm that works with the admissions and financial aid offices of private colleges and universities. Through Hardwick-Day, she has consulted on financial aid policy at dozens of colleges, including Whittier, Grinnell, Mills, Randolph-Macon, and Xavier University.

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2013 might be the year for first 'alien Earth'

The first truly Earthlike alien planet is likely to be spotted next year, an epic discovery that would cause humanity to reassess its place in the universe.

While astronomers have found a number of exoplanets over the last few years that share one or two key traits with our own world ? such as size or inferred surface temperature ? they have yet to bag a bona fide "alien Earth." But that should change in 2013, scientists say.

"I'm very positive that the first Earth twin will be discovered next year," said Abel Mendez, who runs the Planetary Habitability Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo.

  1. Space news from

    1. Cassini orbiter captures Saturn's swirling storms

      Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: The storms of Saturn ripple through the frame of a black-and-white close-up captured by the Cassini orbiter on Christmas Eve.

    2. 2013 might be the year for first 'alien Earth'
    3. Mars rover spends holidays at 'Grandma's House'
    4. After setbacks, Russia boosts space spending

Planets piling up
Astronomers discovered the first exoplanet orbiting a sunlike star in 1995. Since they, they've spotted more than 800 worlds beyond our own solar system, and many more candidates await confirmation by follow-up observations. [The Strangest Alien Planets (Gallery)]

NASA's prolific Kepler Space Telescope, for example, has flagged more than 2,300 potential planets since its March 2009 launch. Only 100 or so have been confirmed to date, but mission scientists estimate that at least 80 percent will end up being the real deal.

The first exoplanet finds were scorching-hot Jupiter-like worlds that orbit close to their parent? stars, because they were the easiest to detect. But over time, new instruments came online and planet hunters honed their techniques, enabling the discovery of smaller and more distantly orbiting planets ? places more like Earth.

Last December, for instance, Kepler found a planet 2.4 times larger than Earth orbiting in its star's habitable zone ? that just-right range of distances where liquid water, and perhaps life as we know it, can exist.

The Kepler team and other research groups have detected several other worlds like that one (which is known as Kepler-22b), bringing the current tally of potentially habitable exoplanets to nine by Mendez' reckoning.

Zeroing in on Earth's twin
None of the worlds in Mendez' Habitable Exoplanets Catalog is small enough to be a true Earth twin. The handful of Earth-size planets spotted to date all orbit too close to their stars to be suitable for life. [Gallery: 9 Potentially Habitable Exoplanets]

But it's only a matter of time before a small, rocky planet is spotted in the habitable zone ? and Mendez isn't the only researcher who thinks that time is coming soon.

"The first planet with a measured size, orbit and incident stellar flux that is suitable for life is likely to be announced in 2013," said Geoff Marcy, a veteran planet hunter at the University of California at Berkeley and a member of the Kepler team.

Mendez and Marcy both think this watershed find will be made by Kepler, which spots planets by flagging the telltale brightness dips caused when they pass in front of their parent stars from the instrument's perspective.

Kepler needs to witness three of these "transits" to detect a planet, so its early discoveries were tilted toward close-orbiting worlds (which transit more frequently). But over time, the telescope has been spotting more and more distantly orbiting planets ? including some in the habitable zone.

An instrument called HARPS (short for High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher) is also a top contender, having already spotted a number of potentially habitable worlds. HARPS, which sits on the European Southern Observatory's 3.6-meter telescope in Chile, allows researchers to detect the tiny gravitational wobbles that orbiting planets induce in their parent stars.

"HARPS should be able to find the most interesting and closer Earth twins," Mendez told via email, noting that many Kepler planets are too far away to characterize in detail. "A combination of its sensitivity and long-term observations is now paying off."

And there are probably many alien Earths out there to be found in our Milky Way galaxy, researchers say.

"Estimating carefully, there are 200 billion stars that host at least 50 billion planets, if not more," Mikko Tuomi, of the University of Hertfordshire in England, told via email.

"Assuming that 1:10,000 are similar to the Earth would give us 5,000,000 such planets," added Tuomi, who led teams reporting the discovery of several potentially habitable planet candidates this year, including an exoplanet orbiting the star Tau Ceti just 11.9 light-years from Earth. "So I would say we are talking about at least thousands of such planets."

What it would mean
Whenever the first Earth twin is confirmed, the discovery will likely have a profound effect on humanity.

"We humans will look up into the night sky, much as we gaze across a large ocean," Marcy told via email. "We will know that the cosmic ocean contains islands and continents by the billions, able to support both primitive life and entire civilizations."

Marcy hopes such a find will prod our species to take its first real steps beyond its native solar system.

"Humanity will close its collective eyes, and set sail for Alpha Centauri," Marcy said, referring to the closest star system to our own, where an Earth-size planet was discovered earlier this year.

"The small steps for humanity will be a giant leap for our species. Sending robotic probes to the nearest stars will constitute the greatest adventure we Homo sapiens have ever attempted," Marcy added. "This massive undertaking will require the cooperation and contribution from all major nations around world. In so doing, we will take our first tentative steps into the cosmic ocean and enhance our shared sense of purpose on this terrestrial shore."

Follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwallor @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebookand Google+


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Friday, December 28, 2012

World's longest fast train line opens in China

BEIJING (AP) ? China has opened the world's longest high-speed rail line, which more than halves the time required to travel from the country's capital in the north to Guangzhou, an economic hub in southern China.

Wednesday's opening of the 2,298 kilometer (1,428 mile)-line was commemorated by the 9 a.m. departure of a train from Beijing for Guangzhou. Another train left Guangzhou for Beijing an hour later.

China has massive resources and considerable prestige invested in its showcase high-speed railways program.

But it has in recent months faced high-profile problems: part of a line collapsed in central China after heavy rains in March, while a bullet train crash in the summer of 2011 killed 40 people. The former railway minister, who spearheaded the bullet train's construction, and the ministry's chief engineer, were detained in an unrelated corruption investigation months before the crash.

Trains on the latest high-speed line will initially run at 300 kph (186 mph) with a total travel time of about eight hours. Before, the fastest time between the two cities by train was more than 20 hours.

The line also makes stops in major cities along the way, including provincial capitals Shijiazhuang, Wuhan and Changsha.

More than 150 pairs of high-speed trains will run on the new line every day, the official Xinhua News Agency said, citing the Ministry of Railways.

Rail is an essential part in China's transportation system, and the government plans to build a grid of high-speed railways with four east-west lines and four north-south lines by 2020.

The opening of the new line brings the total distance covered by China's high-speed railway system to more than 9,300 km (5,800 miles) ? about half its 2015 target of 18,000 km.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

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The Walking Dead: Episode One Free on XBLA | Video Game Blog ...

Published: 26 December 2012 9:48 PM UTC

Posted in: News, Video Games, Xbox 360

Tags: Telltale Games, The Walking Dead, xbla

We hope everyone has had a great chance for some fun time with the family and friends for the holidays and have had the chance to save money on some?Christmas?shopping. Your wallet likely needs a break. Luckily this next deal costs you nothing.

For a undetermined amount of time, you can download Episode One of The Walking Dead for free on Xbox LIVE. The hit TV series turned into a game and has gotten lots of praise via nominations and Game of the Year fame. As long as it?s free, there?s no reason to not see what all the hype is about. Can this really be considered a game, or is it just an episodic cash-in living off the success of the TV series??For the lovely cost of free, I?m willing to find out.

Article from

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

WeChat Trademark And Tencent' s Problem in Trademark ...

u=1364176128,1836969918&fm=11&gp=0(By You Yunting) In recent, several medias have interviewed the author on the squatting of ???? trademark, which is the name of a LBS software of Tencent Inc. (the ?Tencent?), and the English name of it is WeChat. The story of it is: A company admitted in Beijing (the ?Beijing Company?) made its trademark application of ???? in Class 38 on 17th January of 2011. Tencent, who runs WeChat (????) software, made its own application several a week later on 24th. For the first application principle, Tencent?s application has been refused by the authority. And part of Beijing Company?s application has also been refused, while part of it was opposed. Currently, WeChat (????), the hit product of Tencent, is with no any records in Class 38, which is the most related class for the app.

But it seems that the problem occurred is not limited to this. As checked by the author, Tencent has only applied its trademark in Class 9 and Class 38, not covering all other classes related to the software, which also contributed to the fall of some prominent classes. By the rough retrieval, the Class 35 of online advertising, the Class 36 of finance, Class 41 of online gaming and Class 42 of program design, website and date exchange have all been first registered by third parties. And it is beyond the question that the above registration would impair the control of Tencent over the WeChat (????) brand, and the further progress of the brand. As the professional engaging in the trademark protection and has the experience in large scale company of the IPR management, the author would like to discuss the issue on how to settle the Internet companies in trademark management.

I. The process of the new product launching

The issue to some extent is mainly resulted by the internal process defect of Tencent, and that once experienced by the author. In 2005, Shanda launched three new products, including EZbox, EZpod and EZmini. But the product releasing was not informed to the management department in advance, which led to the squatting of the names of the new products and no remedy could be found to fully recover that losses. For that incidence, the IPR department as the author worked in at that time shall of no excuse to take the liability, but the development of the products is under confidence and would not be released in prior. Aside from the liability taking, we made the remedies as follows:

(1) To make the supplementary trademark application of the product;

(2) To take over the power of domain name application so that to ensure the synchronized application of domain name and trademark;

(3) To make the rules on the management of trademark, copyright and patent within the company, and to demand the signing by the IPR department before the releasing of the new product;

(4) To deliver the IPR training to all the staffs of the company, and as got known by the author in last month, a PPT made for internal training in 2005 is still spreading among the legal departments of some online game companies.

II. The problem of matching between the application and amounts of new product

If the author is still working in the IPR department, undoubtedly I would be headache with the trademark management, for what faced me is a company with millions of products and would update its library each month. And therefore you could imagine the major liability on the shoulder of me and my colleagues, for the accident may happen in every single absence of mind. Tencent, as a company with the market value above billions, shall surely have its own IPR management system, and yet not known for what reason, the giant could precluded its popular app from the management system this time. As showed in Baidu library, WeChat (????) was officially launched in January of 2011, but not until December of that year did Tencent registered its Chinese name a trademark. That may be accused of its development team is resided in Guangzhong, apart from the headquarter in Shenzhen or Beijing, the town concentrating Tencent?s main business.

In addition to the avoidance of the mistake making, to make a better job shall also be taken into account. Generally, each company shall have its general trademark application form, which indicates the scope of 10 most popular products or services. But considering Tencent has thousands of products, and each of them is with different function and service object. Once to select the generic product when registering the trademark, it is obviously that the purpose of product protection could not be fulfilled. Shanda used to own a coded product, and when made the original application, the product chose was as same as those for the online games, but as later found by the company, the original application did not include the coded product, and thereby the company has to remake its application for no other alternatives are available. But once the careful selection is made for each single product, the IPR department could not feed that demand for the limitation on the staff numbers. And for the large companies like Tencent, the outsourcing of the business to other companies would also bring the risk of trade secret violation.

In addition, the application catalogue of the trademark office is updating from time to time, and how to make the company get the most matching application over their latest product or service is also an issue for the company. Like on 14th December of 2012, the State Trademark Office updated many products that maybe applied the trademark in accordance with the latest issued classification. And the classes related to Tencent include Class 9 of computer gaming software, Class 28 of game console, Class 38 of online BBS and Class 42 of software operation [SaaS],etc.

III. The issue of synchronization of the trademark protection and product development

About two years ago, the author once wrote an article ?Legal Enlightenment of Tencent Trademark Application Strategy?, which is focusing on the trademark registration of Tencent. And of my views then, ?Tencent would make a full-class registration for the most important product, while for some ordinary product the registration would only cover the most related class?. But the question is, all the products have their own process of development, some originally not eye-catching products could be the ?star? product someday in the future. And by then, whether the trademark and other IPR protection measures of the company could keep pace with the development is essential to the company, or otherwise the problems could be foreseen.

At the end of 2011, namely the start of WeChat, the trademark registration by Tencent in Class 9 and Class 38 would not arise any problems. But with the rapid development of it since the beginning of 2012, from instant messaging software to a platform of the network communication, the trademark protection then shall keep pace with the product development. But to our disappointment, Tencent has not made that all-class registration, which has directly led to the squatting by others in the class of E-commerce, gaming and online finance. That is not a question to be seen in single, but a systematic problem. When the business department is focusing on the product development, they would not know how many skills in the trademark application. But as the management organ of IPR department, due to being trapped in the tedious and detailed works, and combating with piracy, lawsuit and competition with the rival, they are highly possible could not spare more time to the legal protection on the product. After the event, we suggest Tencent to develop a rapid protection system on the product protection. And to evaluate the rapid developed product and the protection from IPR department.

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