Friday, June 17, 2011

NCAA Asks Wikipedia to Apologize for Recognizing Coach Cal?s Wins



To Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, co-creators of Wikipedia:

It is ?very troubling? that Wikipedia credits John Calipari for 509 wins. Your web-based encyclopedia blatantly ignores 42 vacated wins from UMass and Memphis, and it is ?extremely troubling? to our institution. The handling of your college basketball statistics is ?remarkably troubling? and we demand that you make the necessary adjustments and apologize to your 365-million readers.

You have until Friday to update Calipari?s record and respond to this letter. We ask that you submit your apology to us for approval before it is released to the public.

If you do not meet our demands by Friday, the entire Internet will have to meet in person with the Committee on Infractions.


The National Collegiate Athletic Association


grand slam mona lola vamos rum julio cesar chavez jr smith and wesson

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