Friday, May 18, 2012

Grill Out Potluck | Optimal Body Balance

The Natural Path Health Center and Optimal Body Balance are hosting their fourth monthly potluck! Many of you have been clamoring for information and resources about cooking and nutrition ? especially in the area of food sensitivities. And we also know that some of you are dying to share your recipes and tricks. We would like to create and allergen-free evening where we can come together, share our recipes and learn from each other. We would like to invite you to the center on the evening of Wednesday, June?6th?at 6 pm.


We will be celebrating summer by grilling out. That doesn?t mean you have to bring burgers ? there are lots of different foods involved in barbecues! Think a nice cool drink, salads, grilled veggies or fruits, kabobs etc. We usually ask that you have your food completely cooked before you arrive, but this time we will have the grills hot. Just bring your food prepped and throw it on the grill.

We really hope you will come bearing food, but if you don?t have time to make something to share or if you?re completely stumped on what to make, you can still come; we just ask that you make a $5 donation to enjoy all the delicious food. All of the donations received will be given to St. Vincent De Paul or the Second Harvest Food Bank.

Here are the rules we do have:

  1. Please try to make your dish as allergen-free as possible. Ideally we would like everyone to be able to try every dish. We ask that you try to eliminate these seven foods from your dishes: dairy, wheat, soy, corn, eggs, peanuts and sugar. In place of sugar, try substituting alternative sweeteners, such as agave nectar, stevia, honey or maple syrup. No artificial sweeteners, please!
  2. You must sign up by email with your recipe and how many people are attending; is it just you or if you are bringing your family? We would like the sign-ups submitted by the Friday before the potluck. In this case, that would be Friday, April 27th.
  3. Please bring serving utensils! We will supply silverware and dishes.
  4. If your dish does contain an allergen, make sure everyone at the potluck knows it! Label your dish with the allergen it contains.

We will compile all of the recipes and email them out to everyone who attends. We are very excited to see all of you and eat some great food! We hope you will join us!

The basics:

  • Wednesday, June 6th?at 6 PM
  • RSVP to recipe and number of people attending by Friday, June 1st

Missed the last potluck? Here are some past potluck recipes: Gluten-Free Favorites, Mexican Fiesta
Stumped about allergen-free substitutions??Here are some ideas.

kim kardashian flour bomb hunger games box office xavier joan crawford joan crawford john goodman kendall marshall

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