Friday, June 1, 2012

Female sexual problems: Know the right way to deal with them

An unwilling sexual partner doesn?t just leave you with a dissatisfied encounter that could have been, it also leaves you with a morbidly depleted self confidence as well as a lot of doubts about yourself and your relationship too. The case is even more so if the unwilling one is the woman. It is a well-known fact that men attach a lot more of their personalities and self-esteem to sex than women do; so, it can easily be seen that if a woman doesn?t consent to have sex with her lover, it might hurt the latter more than can be imagined. However, what is not thought of, in most cases, is that there can actually be hundreds of causes behind a woman not wanting to have sex, and the problem might lie entirely with her and not the man at all. If the case is an isolated incident, one can buy hersolution gel to solve the problem instantly to lubricate the vagina.

On the other hand, there might be a lot of psychological issues that cause a lack of libido in women.


  • Anxiety: This is a major cause behind a low sex drive. Basically, it becomes difficult to concentrate on lovemaking if something keeps worrying. This can be anything ranging from professional issues to personal ones; so, instead of adding sexual worries, it is better to just let the phase pass by trying to sort it out. If this is a one-off incident, then it is easier deal with the situation by using something like Vigorelle Natural Cream. Lotions such as these can be applied directly in the clitoral hood to achieve instant results. While the effects may vary from person to person, they are usually felt within a matter of minutes. These act by making the clitoris even more sensitive, causing instant arousal and lubricating the vaginal region. For this reason, it is also ideal for using during foreplay.


  • Sexual worries: There are various issues that can cause this problem. It might be self-image; that is, one might be led to believe that she is no longer as attractive to her partner as she once was. Moreover, it can also be so that a woman suffers from performance anxiety; that is, the fear of not being able to please her partner sexually. On the other hand, she might also be suffering from a problem of sexual incompatibility with her partner. This might include having different sexual desires or refusal to comply with each other's wishes.


  • Relationship issues: Unresolved conflicts can negatively affect one's sex drive badly. In such cases, it is best to resolve the conflict before engaging in sexual intercourse. Other issues such as infidelity or lack of interest in one partner can also be the cause of a low sex drive in women.

There are a lot of other issues that can be contributing to a lack of libido too. Sometimes, it can actually be nothing more than a slight illness or a bit of an off-mood attributing to this situation. In any case, a lot can be done with female libido enhancers in order to ensure that your conjugal relationship is not going down the drain. First of all, however, talk things out with your partner. It is possible that the problem can be sorted out within the four walls of your bedroom itself with just a little bit of help. All you have to do is be patient and understanding, and keep an open mind too so that you are able to accept that there can be multiple, and sometimes bizarre, causes behind a low sex drive in women.


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