Friday, June 1, 2012

How To Maximize Acupuncture Weight Loss

How To Maximize Acupuncture Weight Loss

Article by Annie Beal

How To Maximize Acupuncture Weight Loss ? Health ? Fitness

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You may have heard about acupuncture weight loss and are having trouble believing that sticking needles in someone?s body, the traditional image conjured up when someone says acupuncture weight loss, could ever help them lose weight.

Well, maybe your scepticism is born from the fact that you don?t know all of the elements involved in acupuncture weight loss treatments.

Acupuncture weight loss grew out of the millennium old Chinese practice of acupuncture. While acupuncture weight loss has been around for almost as long as acupuncture itself it only hit the public consciousness in 2003.

The media began reporting the staggering statistics of acupuncture weight loss in China. In a society where weight loss is a major issue for so many, the news was greeted with much interest.

The Chinese were reporting that acupuncture weight loss was helping a large number of people lose, on average, between twenty two and thirty three pounds. There was even the occasional super case where someone lost huge amounts of weight, sometimes in excess of 240 pounds.

The percentage of success case was fantastic as well. Acupuncture weight loss specialists in China were claiming four out of every five people were losing weight.

It wasn?t long before acupuncture weight loss centers began popping up in the west. Yet one visit to an acupuncture weight loss center would quickly dispel any assumption that acupuncture weight loss was exclusively focused on sticking needles in someone?s body.

The main goal of acupuncture weight loss is to stimulate the patient?s digestive system. While acupuncture weight loss uses acupuncture as the main foundation of this process, it is always married with an herb regimen.

The herbs used in an acupuncture weight loss regimen balance the digestive system, reduce appetite and improve the patient?s metabolism. All of these processes are vitally important in a successful acupuncture weight loss plan.

It is also important to note that most reputable clinics using herbs as a part of their acupuncture weight loss regimen are using pharmaceutical quality herbs.

Acupuncture weight loss clinics also use methods such as light exercise, Shaitsu massage, proper breathing lessons, and information on body balance and flexibility as essential elements of a fully rounded acupuncture weight loss system.

It is also important to note that acupuncture weight loss is not an instant weight loss solution. Acupuncture weight loss is a gradual approach that is focused on turning the body and mind into a healthy balanced machine.

That isn?t to say that acupuncture weight loss is a gruelling uncomfortable process.

On the contrary, while some of the acupuncture weight loss methods are active, some others, such as Aroma wraps and the previously mentioned Shiatsu massage would have to be considered more on the pampering side of the acupuncture weight loss methodology.

Another recommended site for more weight loss information is:

So now you hopefully have a different picture of what?s involved in an acupuncture weight loss process. You may even be tempted to give an acupuncture weight loss clinic near you a try.

About the Author

Annie Beal is a healthcare writer who makes it easy for people to learn about Alternative Healthcare. She is a contributing author at 4HealthGems. For more of her work go to:Health Gems

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Annie Beal

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Annie Beal is a healthcare writer who makes it easy for people to learn about Alternative Healthcare. She is a contributing author at 4HealthGems. For more of her work go to:Health Gems

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

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