Sunday, September 2, 2012

NFL players poll: About half feel pressure to play with injuries

From the Super Bowl XLVII winner to stricter tackling rules to replacement officials, Sporting News? network of correspondents recently asked 148 players from 30 teams everything you want to know about the 2012 season.

Today: Players weigh in on concussion and injury-related issues.

Perhaps most telling for the league is the pressure players feel to play when they?re injured. Virtually half the players surveyed (49.7 percent) feel some or a lot of pressure to play on despite injuries. Many cited the pressure they put on themselves to be on the field and not let teammates down.

As for questions on football?s hottest topic, 45.7 percent of NFL players said they had sustained one or more concussions, and 82.2 percent said they are concerned about the potential long-term effects of head injuries that could result from playing football.

How much pressure do you feel (from coaches/team/teammates) to play with injuries?

A lot: 21

Some: 52

None at all: 74

?A lot. Football is a warrior?s game.? ? NFC defensive player

?A lot. I?m a linebacker. Things are expected of me. It is what it is.? ? NFC linebacker

?A lot. As a team leader, I feel I?m supposed to push my body as far as possible.? ? NFC offensive player

?Some. You know the old saying, ?You can?t make the club in the tub.? It?s real, but you have to do what?s best for you long term.? ? NFC offensive player

?Some, but you tend to feel more pressure from yourself. As far as the coaches go, they never know when I?m hurt.? ? NFC offensive player

?None at all. I think the individual player places more pressure than others place on them. Players put a lot of pressure on themselves. I don?t know if there?s a sport that has as much accountability as this sport, (where) you feel like you can?t leave the field and let anybody down. A lot of times, guys are telling guys, ?Man, you gotta get of here. You?re not right. And players, because of the accountability factor, don?t want to walk away.? ? Saints LB Scott Shanle

?None. You still have a choice. Even if they want you to play, you don?t have to. I don?t (feel pressure), not on injuries.? ? NFC offensive player

How many concussions have you had playing football?

None: 77

One: 22

Two: 23

Three: 10

Four or more: 10

?A lot ? more than 10. It is more of a pride thing. You don?t want to be taken out.? ? AFC linebacker

Do you feel any effects in your day-to-day life from past head injuries?

Yes: 9

No: 133

?Yes. Especially during the season toward the end, you feel groggy sometimes and that has contributed to sometimes my not remembering everything. I don?t know if that?s because I have a lot going on, but I?m pretty sure it has something to do with it.? ? Redskins LB Lorenzo Alexander

?I ask myself that every day. I?ve had two severe concussions, so, yes, I do think it?s had an impact on me.? ? Bills LB Bryan Scott

After all the information that has come out recently, how much concern do you have about the long-term effects of head injuries that could result from playing football?

A lot: 47

Some: 73

None at all: 26

?A lot. Basically, guys are dropping like flies and they really don?t know why. They don?t when it happened or why it happened. It seems like it?s something unknown and something you can?t control. As a player, you have to know yourself. If something feels weird, you got to be a man about it and not a football player. You got to be smart. You got to be selfish in a good way. Even though you want to be out there for your team, nobody wants to see a top-flight athlete die at the age of 40. The more attention you pay to it when it?s a small issue, the less it?ll be a big issue.? ? Jaguars DT Terrance Knighton

?A lot ? definitely. You see what?s happening with guys that are retired, like John Mackey. It?s cause for concern. I think about it from time to time. I?d be lying if I said I didn?t.? ? AFC special teams player

?Not so much about my head. If anything, it?s am I going to be able to walk? When I?m 50, am I going to be able to teach my son how to run routes? Can I play around with him? ? I?ve had numerous tests that prove I?m A-OK. That?s just the short term, but long-term I?ve got a feeling I?ll be OK.? ? Colts WR Austin Collie, who has suffered four concussions

?We hear so much about it from the team and league and media, how could not be concerned about the long-term effects. Because of all the publicity it?s been getting, we hear it from family members and friends, too. It doesn?t affect the way I play, though. I?m not thinking about it during a game, that?s for sure.? ? AFC defensive player

?Quite a bit. I mean, this is a violent game, and as a D-lineman, you are going to hit heads with somebody pretty much every play of the game. And multiplied by practice by each year you play, it is very worrisome.? ? AFC defensive lineman


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