Sunday, September 4, 2011

Free Education on Health Care ? Health & Fitness

Last year I hit another magical year of getting older it wouldn?t bum me out so bad if my health was top notch. I have a few genetic lovely passed down problems that are catching up with me. Ever hear of bone spurs, or inner infections, thinning blood that makes me dizzy all the time. It sounds like I?m a whiner I know, but when you don?t feel good you can feel really old.

Because I?m a baby boomer I?m now old enough to qualify for a program funded by the state and federal government called Medicaid. However we all know how well Obama has done with his initiatives when it comes to health care. As my generation begins to reach nursing home age I wonder if there will be any health care left to help pay for any medical bills. As I mentioned earlier I have a few health concerns and visiting a doctor sometimes is a must.

It does not matter what state if live in if you are a legal citizen of the United States. The United States has created a health program for eligible individuals and families with low incomes, resources, and or certain disabilities, the program is called Medicaid. It is a program funded by the state and federal governments and is managed by the states. A few states have their own names for Medicaid . For example ?TennCare? in Tennessee and Department of Children and Families in Florida, and ?Medi-Cal? in California. States my opt to bundle together the administration of Medicaid with other programs such as the Children?s health Insurance Program (CHIP), so the same organization that handles Medicaid in a state may also manage the additional programs.

If this isn?t enough to confuse you, the more research I do the more I find new changes such as: that within different states separate programs may also exist in some localities that are funded by the states or their political subdivisions to provide health coverage for indigents and minors. So how does one keep on track of all these changes- have you ever heard of a health advocate? Neither had I but a buddy at work has had one for years that checks in with him, or he can call in when ever he has questions, the program is called Social Service Coordinators .

Have you ever heard of a health advocate? I hadn?t either but upon my search in Google I found Social Service Coordinators , the leading health advocate center in the country with over 8,000 public or privately sponsored programs nationwide. These programs are designed to assist you with energy costs saving plans, telephone, transportation, property tax help, and health- co payment assistance. That?s what the Google said anyway, so I looked them up.

They also have available to me and you the benefit of over 200 different Pharmacy Assistance Programs (PAP) that help qualifying Medicare beneficiaries with discounted or free medication. Social Service Coordinators has been able to assist me personally with the right Pharmacy Assistance Program that offered me much needed assistance and I?ve been able to maintain my medications regimen and stay compliant my doctors orders.

Can I afford to get sick- yes and no. I really can?t miss work and I don?t rake in the money however it is now comforting to know someone has my back. With SSC I have been able to get a grip on my medical bills and if I have a question on a health care item I just give my advocate a call. SSC?s sole purpose is to direct me to the benefits- public and private programs that help me save money so I can see a doctor when I need to and not have to worry about a large medical bill that I can?t afford. That is great peace of mind.

Get free education with the help of a health advocate.


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