Thursday, September 15, 2011

Self Improvement | Achieve What You Believe - Self Improvement ...

By Marcelina Hardy -

?I?m not going to get my hopes up just yet.? Have you ever told yourself that? Many people do this all of the time. It?s a defense mechanism in case a person doesn?t receive the good news she was hoping for. However, this type of phrase is one of the many phrases that could keep people from achieving success.

Control Life So It Doesn?t Control You

When someone lives by this phrase, she ties herself to the consequences of life. She doesn?t control life, life controls her and her emotions. This means that life also controls whether or not she reaches success. As you can see, this little phrase can have huge consequences in life. It can make you feel stuck in life.

How Fear Holds You Back

When you hold back from something you really want, you hold yourself from going after opportunities that could lead you to success. What?s holding you back? The same reason why you don?t want to get your hopes up ? fear. You don?t want to lose hope you may not reach a goal.

If you change this fear into a belief though you have a better chance of achieving what you want, because fear doesn?t stand in your way. Fear comes from doubt that you won?t be able to achieve something. A belief is that there is no doubt you will achieve a success so there is no fear.

Take out fear and you are free to do whatever it takes to achieve success. If one avenue you take to reach a goal doesn?t work, you?ll take another one. Your hope will always be up because you know that one day you will reach your goals in life and you will achieve maximum success. You know that with continued perseverance you will achieve what you believe.

Exercise: What You Want Out of Life

Take some time today to relax and imagine what you really want out of life. Imagine life with the career you?ve always dreamed of or the relationship with your husband or children you want.? Then instead of hoping for it, believe that you can have it.

The Satisfaction of Success

Take positive steps towards success in these areas of your life. Having faith in yourself can do wonders for your ability to achieve success. If you know you can do it all and have it all, do it. You just need to put it in action. Allowing it to just happen in life won?t work, life takes work and a lot of it, but it?s all worth it for the satisfaction of success.

Marcelina Hardy, MSEd has ten years of experience empowering women to achieve success in their career and family life. As a life coach, she helps women understand how to use their inner strength to get ahead in their career and in life to reach happiness and life satisfaction. To learn more about Achieve Brilliance Life Coaching, please visit,


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