Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Simple Resume Cover Letter ? What I did to Get a Better Paying Job ...

I was applying for a job using a simple resume cover letter a short while few months ago. One thing that I know helped me a lot was to do some research on the company I wanted to work for. I found an ad online about a company that was hiring and I checked it out.

Their website had a lot of information that helped me.

I wanted to make my simple resume cover letter stand I knew that some of the information I took from the website would help me stand out I just didn?t know how to put it all into paper. I dug out a cover letter manual that I found useful the last time and rewrote my cover letter with some of the information I got from the website.

From their website I learned that the company was a big supporter of the Children?s Miracle Network. I, through my brother, had participated in different events where the money raised went to that organization. I thought it might help so I put that in, it helped me relate in a different level.

The manual also suggested I use professional language on my cover letter. Just because it was a simple resume cover letter it didn?t mean I wasn?t going to be as professional as possible. I made sure I was coming across as someone with a background and understanding of the field of work I was applying too.

When it came time to submit it, the companies I really wanted to work for were asking for it to be sent via email. As convenient as email is, it takes the personal contact, which I thought was very important, out. I followed directions and emailed the resume and cover letter. Then I followed it up with hard copies delivered in person to the ones I really wanted to be considered for the position. It was only three of the six I sent out. I know most applicants would just brush it off as complete when it was emailed. I took the extra step of going to the company and made an effort to have a moment with the person who would make the decision.

That?s what helped me get a better paying job. I made sure to follow directions. I didn?t want to just walk in with my resume before emailed it. I really didn?t want to look like someone who doesn?t know how to follow directions. I wanted to look like someone who goes above and beyond to get the job done with a great simple resume cover letter. I think the combination of personal visit with something to relate too along with experience on the job were my biggest selling tools.

1. Research the company I wanted to move too
2. Put a cover letter in proper language
3. Emailed when asked too but always went in to drop
off a hard copy.

Entry Level Resume Cover

Entry level resume cover letter

Entry level resume cover letters with value

(C) 2010 Casey Alexander

About the Author: Hi I?m Casey, thanks for stopping by. I?m a recent college graduate and a health nut. Green food all the way! I contribute research hours to my brothers company; when I?m not working or helping in some sort of way. Like Confucius said, ?It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.?



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