Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Flood Insurance

If the community or neighborhood you belong to is already part of the NFIP, you could sign up with the help of an insurance agent. If the community you are in does not have coverage, ask assistance or consult regional legislators on ways to transform it. As a homeowner, flood insurance is a good investment because you never know when nature could strike. This insurance is a policy that most homeowners neglect since they do not live near the coast or near large body of water. However, the climate is unpredictable so even if you do not live in these areas, flood waters could still affect your home.
Remember that while floods can cause a huge destruction, the damage it caused is not covered by a homeowner's insurance. A home flood insurance offers the special coverage you would need to protect your home and things from rising waters. Furthermore, the insurance covers damage to home structure, water heater, furnace, furniture, appliances, rugs, clothing in basement areas, expenses incurred to protect your home against flood damage by sandbagging and covers cost after a flood, which includes removal or debris.

Do you need it?
Although flood insurance is a good investment, you still have to asses if you really need one and check the type of coverage you should get. Flood has been a problem in several parts of the country but there are also communities that have not experienced it in years. The question is, should you have a fire insurance policy even if you live in a high and dry area?
Although you do not live in a flood prone area, it is recommended that you get a flood insurance. This is because you remain at risk. Several insurance providers have provided aid to policyholders residing in areas that are not prone to flood. This because flood can occur anywhere, at anytime and can be a result of many varying causes.
You have to present a list to your insurance provider of the damage in your home and they will take care of the rest. The last thing you need after a flooding occurs is to worry on how to pay your bills for the next month. That is why, regardless if your area is prone to flooding or not, a flood insurance is necessary because safety is always important. It would not be a good idea to wait until something untoward happens before you take action. Weigh your options well and decide if paying a small amount every month is worthwhile to protect your home and family. Keep in mind that when flood happens, it would be too late and you could end up paying for the damages caused by flood.
The price of a flood insurance is based on how much policy you purchase. There are typically maximum amounts available to replace home structure and personal possessions. Furthermore, it also depends on whether you purchase actual cash value or replacement cost insurance. A replacement cost insurance pays a claim to rebuild your home to be the same as to what it was before the flood damaged it. Cash value insurance replaces property and possessions less the value of depreciation.
Without a flood insurance, there is a chance of facing a big risk that could seriously lead you to being broke during an inconvenient and unexpected time. Remember that our homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage and even a few inches of water inside your home can result to thousands of dollars lost. Flood insurance is available to homeowners and renters. Keep in mind that there is a thirty-day waiting period as soon as you purchase a flood insurance before it goes into effect, thus, it is important to have a policy as soon as possible before flood waters threaten your home and your family.

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Source: http://greathome-appliances.blogspot.com/2011/05/home-flood-insurance.html

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