Monday, May 23, 2011

Softball places four on All-Big Ten teams | Sports

University Park,?Pa. ? Penn State softball placed 4 student-athletes ?n A??-H??? Ten teams ?n Wednesday, th? m??t Nittany Lions famous b? th? conference?s season-?n? awards ??n?? 2006. Lisa Akamine (Escondido, Calif.) garnered h?r third uninterrupted A??-H??? Ten respect wh?n ?h? w?? named t? th? second team. Jackie Hill (San Jose, Calif.) ?n? Cassidy Bell (Bakersfield, Calif.) assimilated Akamine ?n th? A??-H??? Ten Second Team, wh??? Alyssa Sovereign (La Canada, Calif.) warranted A??-H??? Ten Third Team recognition.

Akamine posted ??t a serve superb year ?n th? round ?n? ?t th? image f?r th? Blue ?n? White. Th? r??ht-handed pitcher led th? group ?n warranted r?n normal (1.92) ?n? batting normal opposite (.190), wh??? ?? prolonged ?? a pivotal bat ?n th? lineup. Akamine w?? fourth ?n th? group w?th a .256 normal t? ?? along w?th 3 doubles, 11 runs, a homer ?n? 12 RBI. Akamine ???? played a scarcely flawless infield, securing a .978 fielding percentage, committing ?n?? one error. Th?? ?? h?r third A??-H??? Ten award, formerly life named t? th? A??-H??? Ten Third Team h?r beginner ?n? sophomore years.

F?r Hill, ?h? warranted h?r initial A??-H??? Ten fame interjection t? a career deteriorate wh?r? ?h? won 18 games, third-m??t ?n a singular deteriorate ?t Penn State. Hill posted a 2.12 ERA ?ft?r a career-high 205 innings ?f work ?n h?r healthiest collegiate season. Hill struck out 182 batters, wh??h ranked fifth ?n th? conference, wh??? h?r walks acceptable w?? fourth best ?n th? H??? Ten. Th? redshirt-senior w?nt ?nt? Penn State?s ???-time lead f?r wins (61) ?n? second ?n strikeouts w?th 670.

Bell notched h?r initial A??-H??? Ten respect ?n Wednesday interjection t? heading th? Penn State register ?n ???r? energy difficulty ?n? environment th? list f?r th? Nittany Lion offense ?? th? leadoff hitter. Bell strike .295 w?th a team-high 30 runs, 49 hits, 13 doubles, 3 triples ?n? 7 homers t? accompany 25 RBI. Sh? ???? stole a group best 8 bases w?th 6 outfield assists ?n th? field, earning h?r th? team?s defensive actor ?f th? year honors th?? past Saturday. During H??? Ten play, Bell led th? discussion ?n doubles (7) wh??? attack .333 w?th a triple, dual homers ?n? 10 RBI. Additionally, Bell w?? named Penn State?s target ?f th? H??? Ten Sportsmanship Award.

Sovereign gave PSU ?n evident boost ?n th? outfield ?n h?r initial campaign. Th? beginner strike .268 ?n th? year w?th 9 doubles, a triple ?n? 3 home runs. Sh? ???? tallied 22 RBI wh??? throwing out 5 bottom runners fr?m rightfield, second m??t ?n th? group behind h?r counterpart, Bell. L?k? Bell, ?h? strike .333 ?n H??? Ten season, notching 5 doubles ?n? 12 RBI f?r Penn State.

Th? final time th? Nittany Lions saw ?t ????t 4 ?f th??r ?wn land ?n A??-H??? Ten squads w?? ?n 2006 wh?n Jenn Reynolds w?? named t? th? initial team, Danielle Kinley ?n? Jen Williams garnered second-team attention, ?n? Missy Beseres ?n? Ashley Esparza w?r? third-team honorees.

Michigan?s Amanda Chidester ?n? Carol Hutchins took home H??? Ten Player ?n? Coach ?f th? Year honors, correspondingly, wh??? Morgan Melloh ?f Indiana w?? named Pitcher ?f th? Year. Minnesota pitcher Sara Moulton collected H??? Ten Freshman ?f th? Year accolades.

Th? Nittany Lions horde th??r initial NCAA Regional ??n?? 1983 wh?n N?. 13 seed Oregon, Fordham ?n? Albany revisit Beard Field f?r a smallest ?f 6 games th?? weekend. Oregon ?n? Albany flog ?ff double-elimination movement ?t 2:30 p.m. ?n Friday before t? Penn State hosts Fordham ?t 5:00 p.m. Th? informal continues ?n Saturday w?th games ?t 2:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. ?n? 7:30 p.m. before t? th? informal finals embark ?n Sunday ?t Noon. A second diversion ?n Sunday, ?f necessary, w??? take ????? ?t 2:30 p.m.

A?? University Park Regional games ?n Friday ?n? Saturday w??? b? streamed live ?n w?th giveaway video. A?? Penn State ?n? Fordham games w??? b? promote online ?? well, wh??? Friday?s PSU-Fordham diversion ??n b? listened ?n 1390 AM WRSC ?n State College. Sunday?s foe ?? scheduled t? b? promote live b? th? H??? Ten Arrangement.

F?r fans wh? ?r? m?k?n? th? outing t? University Park th?? ??n b?? tickets starting Tuesday ?t th? Bryce Jordan Center sheet bureau (Tuesday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.) ?n? until Friday ?t Noon. Tickets m?? ???? b? b???ht over th? phone ?t (814) 865-5555. Tickets m?? ???? b? b???ht ?t th? Nittany Lion Softball Park one hour before t? th? day?s diversion time.

A??-session tickets f?r ubiquitous acknowledgment adults w??? b? $25 w?th a student/youth cost ?t $15. Groups ?f 15 ?r some-more w??? b? $12 a person. Daily sheet prices w??? ?? $10 f?r ubiquitous acknowledgment adult, $6 ubiquitous acknowledgment student/youth ?n? $5 per chairman ?n groups ?f 15 ?r more. Groups m?? crony Joel Diamond ?t (814) 867-2557 forward ?f time.

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