Monday, May 30, 2011

Targeted Email Marketing Works for Online and Offline Business ...

Create a successful email marketing campaignWhether your business is online or off, using a targeted email marketing strategy can help you make more money, keep your customers longer and turn more causal visitors into paying customers.? The nice thing is that it is cheap and easy to do, virtually anyone can do it no matter what size your business is.

As with all things, there are some steps you must take to put it all together. Here is an overview of those steps:

1. Figure out who your target market is. If you are already in business you probably already know who your target market is so this step is probably already done. Knowing what your ideal customer is interested in, what they are looking for and where you need to be to reach them will all be factors to be considered.

Sometimes the Obvious is so obvious it becomes invisible. Understanding what your customer is interested in should be one of the first information assets you develop. Targeting email marketing is just that?.. shooting for the things that interest your email prospects. Proceeding without this basic understanding? will have you and your business standing still!!

Targeted Email Marketing- Helps On and Offline Business

2. Add an optin form to your website along with some sort of enticement for them to sign up. Most people will use some sort of training such as an ebook or an e course.? Remember, value is in the eye of the beholder. Don?t think that you have to pay for something to give away so people sign up to your list. That would be dumb.

As long as you come up with something that will teach them something, they will think it is very valuable. Remember too, to keep your incentive to sign up relative to your niche market. If your niche is on bird watching your enticement shouldn?t be on weight loss, it should be on bird watching. So it goes without saying, stay on topic! Although, always be open to cross nicheing. Let?s say your promoting your resturant and your list is composed of past customers and those interested in receiving weekly offers and discounts. Your members would surely be interested in a dinner cruise. You could even cross promote with another restaurant with different food and cuisine?.. maybe a pizza place, or even a local night club.

Cross promotion promises tremendous potential. Of course, you would want to make arrangements with the other business owners for reimbursement if your promote their services or establishment. Better yet, get access to their email list and promote these other lists in an effort to get them to join one of your lists.

The possibilities are endless. One thing for certain is that a targeted email marketing campaign can take some of the peaks and valleys out of your cashflow. For instance, using the restaurant example. If you know that Tuesdays are always dead, send an email promoting Super Tuesday?.2 for 1, free drinks, half price, free dinnner? get the idea. People will start flooding on Tuesdays and it will be your busiest day!

Just make sure you use a reputable service, such as Aweber for your email marketing. Email deliverability is perhaps the most important aspect of email marketing and your email marketing provider. You can find cheaper solutions but I can guarantee your email will not find its way to the intended email inboxes. If? this happens you have no way of knowing how effective your email marketing campaign could have been. So Check out Aweber today!

3. Once you have your opt-in form and enticement set up, you will need to write a series of emails messages to send out. This is where you can really shine. This is where you can offer help and advice to the people on your list. By proving to them that you are an expert in your field and that they can benefit from your advice.? The key to your targeted email marketing campaign is to provide value in your emails. The mistake most people make is that they set up their autoresponder with email messages that are nothing but sales pitches??. you won?t go anything with that tactic. Identify their problem, feed them information to gain their trust and then offer a solution to their problem.

4. To help improve your odds that your emails will actually get read by the people on your list, do two things. One, make sure that you have great subject lines. Write your subject lines in an interesting way and that will pique their curiosity. Do yourself a favor though and go lite on the hype. We?ve all been hyped to death and most of us are immune to it by now.

And, two, if you provide quality, helpful information eventually the people on your list will come to expect something of quality and will be looking for your emails and looking forward to reading them.

Targeted email marketing is the only way to go. There is no point in wasting time trying to get people to your website if they are not interested in your product or service (or if they aren?t buyers and are not likely to actually make a purchase). All your time and effort will be wasted if you aren?t striving for only targeted traffic. Know your target audience and give them what they want. That is the basis for an extremely profitable online business.

Mixing up what you know about online marketing with offline marketing provides a powerful potential for offline business owners, whether you own your own local business or are looking for offline clients. There will always be a need for a well informed webmaster that knows his internet marketing and knows how to set up a Targeted Email Marketing Campaign!

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