Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Ideal Carpet Cleaning Techniques | Article Gully

There are a number of different techniques for cleaning carpets, but most people are only familiar with one of them. That is vacuuming of course, and should be done regularly. The problem with it though is that it only gets the surface dirt, leaving the deeper layers untouched. To get the deep down dirt you have to use a deep cleaning technique. There are many companies that offer this service, for example in London there?s, or you can try doing them on your own.

The methods that you have to choose from are:

- Steam Clean

- Dry Carpet Cleaning

- Shampooing

Hot Water Extraction

Probably the most popular form is hot water extraction, which is also called steam cleaning for ease of reference. This provides a very intensive clean, using very hot water and applying it at high pressures. In this way the clean is performed all the way down to the roots, and restores the colour of the carpet.

This method does have its problems though. What makes it so good is that it is so intensive, but that is also what causes the problems. If you have a delicate rub or a sensitive carpet, this is a method that could be damaging. There are also long drying times involved of course, so if you need it done quickly then it?s not the best one either.

Dry Cleaning

When you?re worried about the effects that steam cleaning may have on your rugs or carpets due to their delicate nature, it?s usually best to go for dry cleaning instead. The cleaning results might not be quite so good, but at least you will not have caused any damage.

It is not actually accurate to call this a single technique though, as it actually comes in three different forms. One option is to use foam, which can be hoovered up after it has been given time to work. The other two are very similar, you spray the carpet lightly with water and then use either powder or granules to clean the carpet. Again, after being given time to clean and to dry it can all be hoovered up.


The theory and practice of the shampooing technique is a lot closer to steam cleaning. It also uses a lot of water and a detergent. Instead of using high pressure to get the force needed for the clean though, a rotary brush is used instead. The problem with this one is that the water is not sucked up again so it takes longer to dry. Once it is dry though, you just have to vacuum up the dirt.

Cleaning The Upholstery

Any time you are cleaning carpets you should probably also be cleaning your upholstery. They should be a part of the vacuuming regime, and also the deep cleaning. One option is the same as with carpets in this regard, as upholstery can also be steam cleaned. Otherwise you?ll have to use chemicals.

The chemicals used are all completely safe, after all it wouldn?t be much good to put substances on upholstery that are harmful to the touch. They can be very powerful though, and could do some damage, so it?s necessary to test them first.

Do You Need Professionals For Deep Cleaning?

As all of the equipment and substances that are needed for deep cleaning are all available for purchase, it?s not necessary to use professionals for this. The reason that many people do, however, is because first of all they will probably provide better results, and secondly they should be cheaper than buying the equipment you need to do it yourself.

When you?d like additional info about deep cleaning, or top carpet cleaning services, go to the website where Max Demery regularly writes,


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