Monday, July 4, 2011

My role in creating a peaceful world

My inspiration came from my family, my mother, as an inspiring leader Mahath But Gandhi had a great influence in the life, books, and reading of religion and spirituality have my horizons expanded by the wonders of life and different I inspired you a little make change for the better in my community to improve the quality of life around the world.

My vision of a peaceful and harmonious world for all, her true identity, self-awareness in addition to fulfillingtheir strong moral values ??in society and make us united as one big family.

I believe that if humanity is creating something, he gives an identity to his creation, and when he decided to destroy his creation or destruction, to remove the identity and thus opening the door to hell, wars, famines, diseases, to make terrorism, communism around the world.

As a young man I think we should do is to find peace and harmony, to live together as friends and not enemies, we mustendeavor to provide you a hand when others need our help, we must do our best to avoid any bad karma, we can create as bullying, terrorism, starting fights, murders, physical violence or sexual abuse, robbery, corruption, kid- napping, high-jacking, etc.

There is so much evil in the world are doing now, the vision of a peaceful and harmonious, but it seems only a dream in a utopian world.

But we as young people we can make this dream a reality when we all realize our true self-Identity to live in the world a better, safer place

I do not understand that everyone has a religion that not everyone believes in the existence of God, but everyone has a soul, a conscience, morals, principles and values, but some people forget that they have a soul to lose control of their identity , their morality and conscience to act wrongly, because the world in darkness to light, what the war instead of peace, forget the differencesbetween what is right and wrong.

We must lead by young people by example, we have to be strong role models correctly and make a difference, to understand the world and that vision by focusing on good self-cleaning less action than non-profit organizations and charities around the world as Camfod, Red Cross, etc. water, to help our community in raising funds for events, fairs, functions, festivals, etc., and even a good person, knowing that you are well and harmoniouslyothers can understand that they, too, peacefully and harmoniously.

Although it is easy to realize the vision of the world, but it is a challenge to other people in the world to see the vision of how everyone has different eyes, different viewpoints and opinions, it is our young people know the world how you can create a harmonious and peaceful place for all his friends and know what is the difference between right and wrong.

We as young people stop beingby the violence, the media are influenced and we need to understand that the effects of violent video games, media and gossip magazines will not make the world passively, but it will increase the violence. If young people to stop the violence, gun crime, knife crime, etc., would then others learn from us that violence, murder, etc. abuse is slowly turning the world into hell instead of heaven, and that would change their behavior companies in the world peaceful and the turnharmonious.

We can not read the minds of all, and then we can not know what they think, I know that if everyone really believed in the soul, in her personal conscience, they also play a role in creating a peaceful world, but have not all have this belief and willpower to ignore the inner voice tells them not to do this and do whatever they want, what is wrong.

So I think, to understand all the needs that their consciousness is very important and if they heartheir conscience would be a step towards the establishment and development of a peaceful, harmonious, a world where no one can fear no one and live in a balanced Earth.

Generally, I think we all have the power to make this vision to create a peaceful world if we ourselves, our consciousness and soul, my role is really encouraging to see that others also have the power to make you think, feel a strong vision and the vision for the future will surely become a reality.


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