Sunday, July 31, 2011

? Regarding My Landlords Self Proclaimed Plumbing Skills ...

Does intentionally lining a stagnant Toilet bowl with Newspaper serve any purpose whatsoever? Other than produce noxious septic fumes and gray/black mold.

Please read further for more information...

I own a small business in a leased commercial space. It's located on the 2nd floor of a large (10,000sf) brick building circa 1942. There are 4 separate suites on the 2nd floor. The other suites have remained locked and empty for well over a year. The Landlord does not supply heat or AC to any unleased areas of the building, the leased occupants pay for their own. The plumbing is outdated to say the very least. Some up fitting has been done to the old cast iron piping on the lower floor of the premises which is leased to a high end franchise. Since moving in approximately 1 year ago, I've had consistent plumbing issues. One such instance was a decades old clogged pipe in which a professional plumber wrote a letter on my behalf (also of note here is that this is the Plumber that the Landlord hired) as the landlord insisted that I had thrown a paper towel down the drain and attempted to make me liable for half of the plumbing consultation/repair fees. A paper towel won't even fit down the drain and further more why in the world would I sabotage my own business which had only been open 4 months? At any rate, the Professional Plumbers insistence, letter and evidence of a highly impacted clog that could only happen over decades of time, elements and conditions were enough to convince the Landlord(s) that I was not liable.

I typically have to call the Maintenance man who is also partial owner of the building, to have them flush the toilets in the other unoccupied suites every 3-4 weeks as the drain traps dry out and I'm totally overwhelmed with foul septic fumes. Sometimes my requests are met on the same day but I've also waited as long as 5 days. After waiting a few day I'm usually not feeling well and neither are my employees. The situation has really gotten worse over the past few months (we're located in NC and are experiencing temps in the upper 90's and lower 100's with 60-80% humidity.) Also of note is that the landlord installed solar panels on the entire roof in the Spring. I've since experiences numerous leaks in my roof which have gone unrepaired and are producing gray mold and stains.

I'm frustrated with the situation but more concerning is my discovery yesterday. I had called the day before to have the toilets flushed as the stench was unbearable and my clients were complaining. I was told it would be addressed and I assumed it had. But the odor persisted the next day. Later that evening as I walked through the hallway to make sure all of the suites were locked and no one was in the building before locking up as I usually do, I discovered an unlocked door to the suite that is next to mine. I also share a drain pipe with this suite. I discovered that the toilet bowl directly connected to the our drain pipe was lined (intentionally placed, please see picture) with newspaper which had dried out and had mold growing on it. The stench nearly knocked me out. The tank on the back of the toilet had about 2" of water in it and the plastic tie to the stopper was completely eroded and was no longer attached. I took a picture of the toilet bowl as it seemed quite suspicious. I filled the tank and flushed the toilet and it helped to relieve the stench. But I have to wonder why and what purpose, if any, lining a toilet bowl with Newspaper serves? I would greatly appreciate ANY advice that any one can give me as we've all been experiencing Health issues as of late.

You can view the picture here.

Thank you for your time and patience.


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