Friday, July 29, 2011

Need help on becoming teacher, any advice ... - Education Reference

Question by orzo: Need help on becoming teacher, any advice, please?
I am a grad student in biology just about to graduate with MS in bio. I would like to become teacher in ny. I have no real teaching experience and I would need certification. I am wondering how I can go about all this? I would need to work in that I have been out of work for a long time, in that of MS degree with research and such. I am contemplateing of becoming a high school bio teacher. any advice would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by fcas80
start at the NY Department of Education, and read the requirements for licensing, especially Alternative Licensure.

think about where you intend to to attend to get your education credits.

realize you will have to take the appropriate NY teaching exam in your subject, which should not be too arduous for you.

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